Saturday, 21 November 2015


 It's coming to that time of year where I dread seeing the postman pass our window and that familiar sound of something being shoved through the postbox. I know it will happen soon, but every year I dread it a little more, yes, you've guessed it......the arrival of the first Christmas card!
     Sometimes it's a hand delivered one, written by someone who has decided that they won't let it get the better of them this year and they are going to get all theirs out first being able to, from that moment on, sit and smile smugly as the cards fall through their door, knowing that they have that all covered from November. Of course, there's always one, isn't there, that you've forgotten about and even worse, it turns up on Christmas eve, when you are stuck with the dilemma of having to fire an 'emergency' card off that afternoon, knowing that when they get it, just before New year, they will know you forgot.
         I know this is going to come as a disappointment to a lot of you out in blogland, but lets face it, I only have one more wedding to attend this year, so when better to come clean and confess my evil side? My phenomenal loss of readership  will have to be carefully balanced with the relief that will come from letting you all see my true self, as I write these words.... I don't like Christmas!
  Ok, small disclaimer here....I love the whole Jesus thing, but I really feel that He's a part of things 24/7, 365 days a year ( +1 on a leap year!) and as much as I feel He enjoys a good party, surely stating to celebrate 2 months before the actual day is a bit mad?
       The day after Halloween, out they come with their tinsel and baubles trying to sell us unique Christmas pillows and tableware, poor old Santa gets dragged out earlier and earlier. He definitely must have better things to do on the run up to Christmas, with all his little elves, organising his schedule for the 'real' Christmas.
      Now don't get me wrong, I don't really mind Christmas cards, as long as there is no expectation that I will send one back. I've taken to giving little bars of handmade soap to my local friends instead and this year I've excelled myself by making blackberry who wouldn't want a wee bottle of that and recycling or bluetac on the walls!
         If I were prime minister I would make it against the law to have any Christmas displays or events before the 1st December and then we could all go mad for 3 weeks, collapse, take 2 weeks to recover and get on with life....I'm sure that's how it used to be!
     I'm sure that Christmas wasn't on Claire and John's mind when they planned to have their wedding on November 20th this year, in fact I know it wasn't, as John explained so eloquently yesterday.It is the 'real' date they got together, seven years ago, despite having met years before on a chance encounter in Elgin and having staying in touch off and on via various social media.
       The forecast was pretty good for them yesterday but as far as the weather was concerned it certainly was not! After a change of dress to suit the weather, I opted for my Jacques Vert grey number, that matched my throw over, so I could wrap up and protect myself form any cold blasts.
   We left Macduff at 10.30am  in the torrential rain and arrived at Ardoe House ahead of the clouds an hour and three quarters later. The Foyer had been 'Christmassed' with a giant tree decorated with grey and pink amazingness but I was more impressed with the wonderful chilli display beside it...gorgeous.

        John was there to greet us, looking incredibly happy and relaxed with guests rushing in with cases and gifts all about him. The function suite on the other hand was a haven of peace and I was able to stand and watch the leaves spinning down from the sycamore trees out of the amazing windows that stretched floor to ground around two sides of the room.

John stood facing the guests, with his best man and groomsman, as the page boy, Tyler came in with a sign that said, 'Don't worry ladies, I'm still single', very cute.The bridesmaids wore full length pale turquoise ruched chiffon dresses to match the colours of the day. Soon Claire walked in, to a beautiful piece out of Braveheart, with her Dad, Iain. She looked absolutally gorgeous in a strapless cream gown with the sheerest of corded lace skimming over the top, right down to her fishtail train. Her veil, with the same touch of lace, was perfectly placed beside a floral diamante hair piece in her hair.
     As she reached John the tears started to flow with the emotion of the day and he took her hands in his.They stood looking in to each other's eyes as the ceremony began, saying their vows to each other through the laughter and tears. They had decided on a handfasting after their I do's and when Robin said, 'You may kiss your bride', John handed him the handfasting scarf and took Claire's face in his hands, kissing her over and over again with a real joy.....sniff!
              They had decided to have a lineup as the guests came through for a celebratory glass of prosecco , so we took a glass from the waiters and shook hands with both sets of parents and the new Mr and Mrs Duguid. This all went well till we got to John's Mum and Dad at the end of the line and Robin, for some bizarre reason, decided to step back, knocking my glass of bubbly and spilling half of it down my hand, dress, leg, and shoe....thanks dear! So there I was with a wine soaked hand looking like I'd wet myself , not knowing how to greet John's Dad. The dear man just shook my hand and told me he would lick the residue off his hand later...what a sweetie!
      Thankfully I have a large supply of hankies in my amazing wedding bag, that has been to everyone of my 39 attendances this year, so I mopped myself up as best I could and wrapped myself even tighter in my throw, hoping no-one would notice the mess I was in.
            We had a look at the table plan, seeing that we were to sit at the 'Gold Coast' with Kay and Stuart who have been wedding buddies of ours before and Fiona, who's son, Andrew was John's best man. 
    We found out later that John's Mum and Dad had given them a gift of their honeymoon to Australia  and so all the tables were named after Aussie destinations, displayed beautifully on a heart trellis. We broke the news to Kay and Stuart that they would be stuck with us for the meal and all in all they took it quite well.
      Robin had made a plan to meet up with Stephen and Natalie, who he will be marrying next March, in the afternoon, and they arrived with baby Cara so they could chat through plans with Robin over a cuppa, surrounded by baby toys. I decided to take Cara for a walk about, so Mum and Dad could get a break and we headed for the baubles ( well, they have to be good for something!) to keep her entertained. Someone stopped me to ask what age she was and I had to admit I didn't know, feeling quite complemented when they said, "Oh, I thought she was yours" in the old dog yet, eh?
     Baby toys gathered up and plans to meet up for a stay over in Cove, in January, arranged we headed through for the meal to sit with Kay and Stuart and the rest of the Gold Coasters. 

        Claire's Dad started the speeches, welcoming John in to their family and speaking of his memory of Claire trying hard to walk and speak and being sick....and that was just her eighteenth!!
    We were all in tears as John spoke, first of his gratefulness to Claire's family, his own and finally of his adoring and very obvious love for Claire, it took a few tissues but he got through and it was worth every tear!
  Andrew took the mic and gave us some very amusing insights in to his friendship with John, recounting a time when a friend of John's professed undying love for him, refusing to leave his flat till he had seen him. It doesn't surprise me at all, as he is obviously loved by everyone!

                    We had a wonderful meal in great company, our wine being topped up magically by a very pleasant waiter and our food being perfectly cooked and tasting delicious. 
          As we were heading through after the meal I managed a quick shot of the cake with the bouquets all around, just beautiful!
Claire came up for a quick hello and allowed me to take her picture despite her aching facial muscles. I did tell her she didn't have to smile, but she mustered up all her energy and gave it her all...well done!
I had noticed a bucket of sparklers on the table during the afternoon and wondered what the plan was for them and soon we found out. We were all ushered outside with sparkler in hand, a few having a lighter too and waited to be told when to light them for a unique photo opportunity. Understandably a few sleeveless ladies decided to give it a miss, but as I had my wool throw, I stood strong and soon we had all had a light from our neighbour and sparkled in to the night with Claire and John.
   There was a mad dash for the entrance as soon as the heat went, because it was pretty chilly I can tell you and we headed back in to the warmth and the evening dance.
    It was at this point that John came over to tell us that friends of theirs, Ross and Naomi, who Robin married a few years back, had just texted to say that the snow was so bad on the road from Macduff to Aberdeen that they had turned back!
    And so what was meant to be a leisurely hour or so before we headed off turned in to ....squeeze it all in to 5 minutes! So I forced John to have his photo take with Robin as I realised I didn't have a photo of him!
We said our farewells to them both and then went to find Kay and Stuart to let them know we were going sooner than planned, making them keep to their promise of a whiskey tasting evening when they get back to Banff, after Christmas shopping, if they survive!
         I managed a quick cutting of the cake, picture, before we ran through the already falling snow to our car and back to Macduff. 
    The journey was a bit hairy in places with driving snow and huge puddles but we made it back safely serenaded by a CD of eighties dance tracks that Robin had made up specially for me  to play in the car. He said it was my Christmas present and I'm quite happy with that, really!
          John and Claire have found something amazing in each other. Someone who loves them just the way they are, with or without their baubles and their tinsel, through the sleeting rain or the soft fluffy snow. That's what I call a real gift!


Sunday, 15 November 2015

No 38

I had a most enjoyable week off this week, topped off by going to the Springs to taste Phoebe's , 'Young fish pie master of the year 2015',fish pie, featuring on the specials menu as 'Torte a la pesce', Three of us decided to sample it and over pudding we started to have a discussion about memories.
    I wondered if Jason could remember his time in England, having come up to Banff when he was only three years old. He commented that he thought he did but having seen quite a few videos of his time back then, he might be confusing the video footage with actual memories.
      My earliest memories are hints of images, a white painted cot with transfers under the paint, the parquet flooring on our livingroom floor of our first home, where we would slide up and down..... my Gran's bungalow and the smell of toasted bread crusts.... not being able to get my arms round my Granda Brown's large girth, thinking he was the largest man in the world but looking back in photos and seeing that he wasn't that big after all.
    My most vivid early memory is of my Dad running at full pelt down the field in front of our house with his yard coat flapping round him as I, at 4 or 5 years old, slowly sunk in to a boggy pool of septic tank over flow.
    My sister Susan and I had been jumping in puddles in the fields next to our house and I had spotted a particularly large one and decided to jump in. I soon began to sink and as my wellies started to fill with effuse, I tried to extricate myself. I presume Susan tried to help and on failing sprinted up to the house to get Dad as I slowly went lower in the goo. Strangely I don't remember the smell, which must've been disgusting, panicking or wondering if my time was up, certainly not imagining what would happen if I sunk too far, I just waited.....And there came my Knight in shining armour, running as fast as his legs would carry him and hauling me out minus one wellie which would never be found.
         I don't remember the journey home but being hosed down in the back yard stays with me as does my favourite cat suit being binned and the line of scum around the bath full of bubbles, finally removing the last traces of sewage form my little body.
      Donald and Lorna had decided that their wedding day was to be very memorable indeed. Not only was it three years to the day (+1) since they had met,but also the day of Lorna's birthday, now what are the chances of them forgetting their anniversary?
      Phoebe's room had been stripped this week as it had been transformed from purple to pale blue with a feature wall of flocks of geese....well, we think they are geese, comments over the week from various visitors have thrown, swans, cranes, pelicans and even dolphins into the mix! I decided to get Phoebe to take my picture of me in my wedding gear beside it so you can decide.

I might add at this juncture that this is the third time I have worn this dress this year, given to me by my friend Pamela after Christmas last year and I love it, for those slightly chillier days. On seeing me dressed, Robin came in and said,
" Oh, new dress!"
I mean really!!
         We were headed to Inverurie to the Kintore arms for wedding number 38. Donald and his Mum worked there years before, doing security and as they knew the owners so well, decided on it for their venue.
   We arrived in plenty time to find Donald's family settled in the lounge area, catching up with each other.
   Donald seemed exceptionally calm and introduced us to his best man Duncan who he's been friends with since school. They had spent the night before the wedding, in Lorna's absence, playing Xbox into the wee small hours but had managed to get up and scrubbed up quite well.

Donald ( on the right) showed us through to the function room and I could see by his tie and the flowers on the table that green was going to be a feature.

Just a small group of immediate family, everyone got to their seats and we waited as 'Photograph' by Ed Sheeran played and Lorna walked in on her Dad, Davie's arm. She had been extremely nervous on the run up to this big day but looked lovely with her amazing red hair pulled up in a grecian style and her dress draped with one pleated chiffon shoulder in a similar style. Her little sister Michelle wore a full length forest green dress which toned in beautifully with her equally gorgeous red locks.
               Lorna seemed to relax as the ceremony went on as Robin asked her if she was willing to put up with Donald's snoring. They did a handfasting with Donald's Dad's tie and finally signed the schedule.
  We followed the new Mr and Mrs Thomson out to 'Sugar' by Maroon 5 and gathered out by the front door for a group photo taken by Donald's sister Caz who has her own photography business. 
   We caught up with Gail and Davie, Lorna's Mum and Dad, who live just a few doors up from us and they told us how they had headed off to Inverurie this morning ,only realising when they were part way there that they had forgotten the flowers so had to head back home. I had been out in the morning and saw Gail getting in to the car and thought how laid back they were to be only leaving then, not realising that it was a return trip for them! 
   Here they are with Lorna, Donald and his folks, posing beside the lovely open fire in the dining room.
 Soon we were asked to go through for our meal and we found our seats next to Jenny and Graeme, Lorna's Aunt and Uncle and Donald's sister Kelly with her friend Franny. The conversation was fascinating going from how they met a lady who had had a vampire wedding, even getting her teeth filed for the day to obscure pets, especially Franny's pet snakes that ate rats and mice, but only if you pierce their brains first!

     The speeches were short and sweet with Duncan giving a congratulations to Robin as this was his 200th wedding, very special indeed!
        Our meal was delicious and we all had a personalised bottle as a favour to take home, well unless you were Robin , who drank his!
We watched and clapped as Donald and Lorna cut their cake and we all got a piece to eat with our cup of tea at the end of the meal, it was really delicious, so glad I tried it.
      As if one cake wasn't enough, Donald had a special surprise for Lorna and a birthday cake was brought out  with heaps of candles for her to blow out and we all sang Happy Birthday!
     They had chosen Aerosmith's 'I don't want to miss a thing' as their first dance and as the rest of the family were a bit reticent to join in, Donald ran round grabbing everyone and dragging them up on the floor which was eventually full.
       Finally we said goodbye to everyone as the evening guests filled the tables and it looked like a good evening was ahead of them. Donald had a special arrangement with the nightclub down the road that any of the guests who wanted to party on after the disco had finished, could get in for free. It will be interesting to see how many went!
       Well, I know that memories were made yesterday for a lot of people but especially for Lorna and Donald who will hopefully hold it all in their hearts and minds to see them through the good and bad of the years to come...because, that's what memories are for.


Sunday, 8 November 2015


 Life started to slow down for Robin when the kids and I went away and the usual flurry of visits and services slowed down to a more manageable pace, he even had time to sort out his chaotic paperwork and catch up on a few seasons of 'The waking dead' which he knew I would never watch with him.
    It was at this juncture that Robin realised how much he was missing me and decided to text with those words that every woman wants to hear when she's thousands of miles away from the man she loves....
" The boiler has stopped working."
   You see I hadn't been there to remind him to pay the last bill that the plummer had sent the month before, when our timer had died and now he was stuck in a cold house with just the dog for company, unable to ask for was tragic really. Obviously he fired off the payment immediately but knowing that it would look really bad if he called the next day asking for a visit,  decided to wait till I got home 10 days later to sort everything out.
             Thankfully we have our wood burning stove, so between that and the emersion heater, 'One man and his dog' survived for the rest of our separation feeling a bit like Bear Grylls.
     I phoned the plummer the day after I got back and he popped down to see what the problem was, kindly not mentioning our tardy payment for his previous visit. Unfortunately after a few minutes he informed us that we would need to deal with the company that made the boiler as it was outwith his remit and off he trotted, thankfully without charging us for a call out, as I picked up the phone to call the Alpha boiler people.
     "Your boiler is out of warranty Mrs Wiseman, so would you like our fixed price option to have it repaired?"
"Oh, how much is that?"
.....Silence as I practically pass out on the sofa trying to process what he had just said....
"So is there another option?" I ask weakly
"So why call it an option then?" I am shouting in my head but the words "Ok then" come out instead!
              Payment had to be made before a call out could be arranged, so our credit card came to the rescue and 24 hours later a man of very little words came and repaired the burnt out circuit board allowing us to have heat again.

        Nicki and Ian aren't intimidated by a bit of cold, in fact they are a couple to embrace any challenge and face it head on. The fact that Nicki's son, Aaron was passing out in the army just the day before the wedding didn't faze them at all, so after a 14 hour round trip Nicki walked in on Aaron's arm, to 'I won't let you go' by James Morrison, looking completely stunning in strapless champagne lace complete with veil.
      There was no big surprise that the bridesmaids were in gorgeous blue/black silk jersey to match the chair ties and combined with wintery white fairy lit trees looked amazing. Bold and stylish, just like Nicki herself.

 Robin spoke of how Ian had found Nicki a bit scary at first when they met as leaders in the ATC and yes, she is a force to be reckoned with, especially I can imagine in uniform, but soon they became drinking buddies and eventually their love grew and here we were to witness their wedding.
    I must let you know now that there is another very special man in Nicki's life, well three actually. Aaron, Morgan and earlier this year Lachlan came on the scene, just as Aaron was setting off for his army training.
     And today was Lachlan's special day too as after Robin introduced us to the new Mr and Mrs Payne we all sat down again to enjoy Lachlan's naming ceremony. He sat on his Mum's knee and smiled the whole way through as Robin told us how his name spoke of strength and boldness combined with being a deep thinker. A blessing was said over him and we clapped as Nicki and Ian walked down the aisle followed by Ebony, Paige, Aaron and Morgan holding little Lachlan.
     Jane, Nicki's chief bridesmaid is Robin's partner in crime as I've mentioned before, taking him away in her hearse at all times of the day and texting him with funeral requests. I knew from a conversation earlierin the year that she was dreading wearing the amazing heels that Nicki had chosen for her and after the ceremony bounced in having changed her footwear to a suitable's the before and after shots....

They really were big shoes!!
      Nicki and Ian in their madness had agreed to a romp on the beach with the photographer, Francis, as you do in November! We on the other hand decided to enjoy a drink in the warmth of the Springs bar with Karen and Mario, Rose, Mason and Jane. Eventually Nicki returned looking just as gorgeous as before apart from a bit of sand on her wedding heels.

      We were at table one with our afternoon posse, apart from Jane who had been chosen for toptabledom and enjoyed quite a bit of banter seeing who could get the final jelly bean out of Mason's favour bottle, quite a task I can tell you, finally conquered by Karen, who nicked a straw off a small child ( well, sacrifices must be made!) and poked it out. 

    Our meal was delicious and it was great to see all the staff that I've missed having not been at  a Springs wedding since September. Nikita is now working in admin at the local hospital and is only doing weekend function work now. Jillian is off from next week to get her long awaited tonsil surgery and despite being told to stay off for a month will try and get back in to the mix way before that!
         Morgan and Ebony posed with Lachlan before the speeches started so I could let you see what a handsome bunch they are...
And Mrs and Mrs Benedetti don't look too bad either eh?

Speeches were after the meal and we heard Ian's side of the story as to how he and Nicki met and how much love she has brought to his life. Scott, Ian's best man gave a rousing speech taking the mick out of Ian and promising to be the best godparent to Lachlan that he could be. Nicki decided that she just had to grab the microphone and give extra thanks to all the family and friends who had traveled so far to celebrate this special day with them.
         The cake was cut with both Ian and Nicki being very obliging and posing for my favourite kissing shot and we sat down to eat chocolate wedding cake for desert...really delicious!

     After teas and coffees we rolled ourselves out of our chairs and went to find a seat out in the foyer while the room got set up for the evening disco. We found a few free sofas and Robin decided a lie down was in order only to find ( and thank goodness I had my camera at the ready for proof!) that Jane had exactly the same idea and then Mason as well!! Cozy isn't the word....:)
We were joined by Maria and Neil Diamond ( or is is Hunter) and went through after we got Jane, Mason and Robin disentangled to enjoy our evening with slightly more decorum, well, that was the plan!
                 Their first dance was to 'Here' by Rascal Flatts and after watching Mr and Mrs Payne very obviously in love sing to each other as they gently swayed, the rest of the family and friends came up to join in.
       Ian had mentioned that there was going to be a buffet, which we thought was a few sandwiches and a cup of tea, but no, a full hog roast was brought in and carved served with delicious salads and the rest of the wedding cake, and they expected dancing!!
    Well, dance we did and eat we did. Ian and Ria joined us and we had a great laugh playing catch the tiny jewels in the most interesting place, Maria won that one hands down, though seeing Mario with a mouth full of diamante was quite amusing!
        I don't know where the time went but before we knew it, it was 10.15pm and we decided to head for home before we blotted our copybook to badly. We found Ian and Nicki and said our farewells, knowing we will see them again soon, just dressed a little differently I imagine and thanking them for a very memorable and wonderful day.
          I know that Nicki and Ian have a huge amount of love in their lives and I hope that yesterday's ceremony just strengthened and confirmed that even more. To see how Lachlan was never out of the arms of one of his brothers or sisters or god parents the whole day makes to see that theirs is a life full of a warmth that will never go out.