Sunday, 5 April 2015


I had just watched the final of the Great British Sewing Bee a few weeks back and was living on the high that makes you look at every piece of clothing you see and wonder what you can transform it into with a bit of bias binding and an invisible zip, when Gail at my work handed me a dress. It was a beautiful dress, but not my size or style really, so I thanked her, took it home and cut it in two! I realised, after the high had worn off, that I wasn't quite sure what I was going to do now, but persevered for three weeks and 'Ta-da' we have the dress for this week's wedding!

This week's couple, Joanne and Wayne decided to get married at the Tufted Duck in St. Combs, a place I've never been to before. From the outside as we approached it didn't look like much to write home about, but when we went inside and saw the room that they were getting married in it all became clear. The back of the hotel faces out unto the sea, and the semicircle of windows makes a panoramic view over the whole bay.
   I had stupidly tried to paint my nails just before we headed off from Macduff, which was a complete disaster as just picking up my coat and bag smudged it all and I had to do a complete wipe off. Robin suggested bringing my gear up with me and really, he has his moments, but this was sheer genius. So I managed while sitting waiting for the guests to arrive, completely do my nails while taking in the great view that The Tufted Duck has to offer.
    So amazing is the view that the owners have decided to build a house in front of it, I say house in the loosest of terms because apparently they have spent £20 million on it so far and it still isn't done! It is built cut into the hillside so as not to spoil the view and is in a similar style to the hotel, quite boxy and plain. Apart from the elephant, duck and lion heads that protrude from just under the roof and the Grecian style pillars that create a grander than grand entrance to their front door, a bit like a mini Acropolis. Interesting! Well, I hope they have Grand designs doing a show with them featured as I would love to see the finished piece.
     Everyone seemed relaxed and happy as they came in to wait for the bride, and as she walked in Joanne looked really beautiful with her three girls as bridesmaids in teal dresses all holding bunches of white freesias, just perfect. Joanne had told Robin about 4 years ago that she was never going to get married again and was quite happy running her Care home for adults with special needs and focusing on that and her family. Then Wayne the dart playing tea drinker came along and changed all that, so Robin got the shock of his life when Joanne phoned up last year asking if we were free on April 4th 2015. 
    There was laughter during the ceremony and there were tears...especially when Robin opened the bottle of Prosecco to fill the quaiches so everyone could toast the new Mr and Mrs Donachie. The cork popped and flew across the room hitting Christie the photographer. Poor girl, she has to work with him next Friday as well, so I hope his aim is better then.
                We all sat in the bar with the local darts players and had a drink while making new aquaintances and learning all about Peterhead, a place I've rarely been to, though it has the largest population of all the coastal towns along the Moray coast at 19,000, a huge immigrant population because of the host of low paid jobs due to the fishing industry that is thriving down there.
      We had photos taken and then went through for the meal. The tables were decorated with trees made of mini chocolate eggs planted in little tin buckets a lovely Easter theme. All the kids got an Easter egg and even the big kids got chocolate as our tree got gradually depleted over the course of the speeches and meal.
    Wayne spoke really well, thanking everyone for coming and Joanne held his hand an stood beside him as he spoke, a lovely sign of how supportive and caring she is. Derek the best man did well keeping everyone amused with his stories of Wayne's obsessive dart playing even bring a set of darts in case they wanted a game later on in the evening.
          We had a wonderful meal, very impressed with the service and the food. And then came the cutting of the cake. Joanne's friend, Susan, has recently set up her own business making cakes, called 'Cakes Away' and I can say I was impressed with Joanne and Wayne the Minions standing on a dart board. says it all really .
The evening guests arrived including all the client's from Joanne's Care home and it was so lovely to see how all of Joanne and Wayne's  family warmly welcomed each one as part of the family too. After a chat with Wayne and Joanne, thanking them for letting us be a part of their day, we headed off back up the coast home.

So, here's to the New Mr and Mrs Donachie and their new life together as husband and wife. They really have hit Bullseye this time for sure.

1 comment:

  1. Poor photographer she will be ducking next time she sees Robin with a bottle.
