Sunday, 26 April 2015


I was 49 on Wednesday....Yes, I know...I don't look it. You have no idea how hard I work at keeping myself looking so fantastic , I am thinking of bringing out a book next year, for all of you who feel you need a role model. I think it will be called, 'How to love yourself the way you are while walking to the pool and eating a bag of walker's Sensations'...DVD to follow!
         For those of you who can't wait for the book, the basic secret is to maintain a perfect layer of curvaceousness that keeps the wrinkles at bay. This can only be maintained through a hugely disciplined routine of eating whatever I want while drinking a specific quantity of wine and occasional single malt. Gin can be added in the summer months. Walking the dog and swimming are token gestures to sporting activity and of course, living in the North East of Scotland where those things called  UV rays are rarely found, and allowed to do any aging.
       This week's wonderful couple are Jill and Mark have no fear of looking old yet, both from Banff,  they met at school and have been together now for 9 years, finally deciding to tie the knot at the Banff Springs.
                  They are one of the first couples to get married in the hotel since the new foyer has been built and what a great addition it makes with polished tiled floors and extra luxurious seating. Even a glass panelled fire set into one of the walls makes for a real feature and a cozy one at that.
        When we arrived a lot of the guests were already enjoying the extra space, having a drink and looking forward to the day beginning proper. We wandered through to the function suite and were taken back with how beautifully Jillian, the wedding co-ordinator, had the room laid out. The new taupe light fittings with glass droplets hanging from around the base, beautifully complimented the already tasteful interior. It's a good thing that a few of the old chandeliers got damaged when they were taken down during the festive season, or we wouldn't  have  had the pleasure of seeing how lovely the room can look.
    There are two 'other women' in my relationship with Robin. One is Jane, the local undertaker, who texts him at all hours of the day and whisks him away in her hearse on a regular basis. And there's Jillian.
     Jillain has been the wedding co-ordinator at the Springs for a long time now and knows how to run a tight ship, but also knows how to work really well with the couples she meets. Robin on the other hand is a challenge to any woman and I can only admire Jillian for putting up with him as he refuses to let the guests into the ceremony more than 2 minutes before any service and moves all the carefully placed furniure around to suit his needs while asking for glasses of water and newly pressed napkins!
       I was pleased that Jill had chosen her colours to match my nail varnish so the ties in the chair backs and I co-ordinated beautifully as I sat waiting for the guests to filter through.
      I was wearing one of my all time favourite dresses this week, that will have to be completely threadbare before I ever put it in a Red Cross bag or bin it.
              My sister Jenni had come over from France for my Dad's 80th on Tuesday ( yes, he looks fabulous too) and had had given me a brooch for my birthday that turned out to be a scarf ring. She had no idea how much I had been wanting one. When my other sister, Susan, gave me a navy pashmina that I had been wanting too, I was well chuffed, they completed my outfit perfectly. And so the dress lives to be worn to another wedding.
The ceremony was an emotional one with lots of tears, but even more laughter. Jill came in looking beautiful in a ruched chiffon dress, on Iain's arm, every inch the proud father, and even though she was overwhelmed with the ocassion, Mark broke the ice by giving her a hug that pulled her veil off the back of her head. She decided to do without it and handed it off to her Mum to take care of. We sang 'Hosanna' and 'The Northern lights of old Aberdeen' with much football fervour and after they both said 'I do' and signed the schedule, we gave a round of applause for the new Mr and Mrs Campbell.
         Mark and Jill headed off to Duff House, our local stately home, for photographs with Debbie the photographer and John who was videoing the day. John has a new video 'drone' that can fly and video from above, so we are all looking forward to seeing how he got on with his new toy. Michael, Mark's Dad, was telling me at the meal, that he and Iain were standing at a window in the house, looking out, when suddenly this thing came zooming up from outside like a little spaceship and videoed their startled faces!
            We sat in the bar, enjoying a glass of wine and watched the weather change dramatically. From sleet and rain to beaming sunshine all in the space of a few hours, creating the most beautiful rainbow out to sea. If there's one thing we do get with our North East weather it is an array of amazing rainbows and this one was just for Mark and Jill.
    We usually sit in the same seat when at the Springs, for the 'inbetween bit' and have had the pleasure of watching a house being built across the road over the last year. Finally it has been completed. It was great to sit with our wine and watch as the folks have finally moved in and made it their home.
     We were at the top table together for the meal, sitting next to Mike and Denise and really enjoyed their company. Denise's friend had made the cake  and her friend's son had dressed the tables with vases of pearls and balls of white roses. Very simple, yet just perfect.
 The speeches were emotional and heartfelt and all the boys did really well. Even Jill stood up at the end to give a huge thankyou to Jillian and all at the Springs for a wonderful meal and  all their hard work.
      For the evening Zigi and Toni were the entertainment and for those who have never experienced them, entertain is definitely the word. They are a great duo who sing and walk or dance through the guests, popping anyone who wants on mike, or even up for a dance. Ziggy is imensely athletic and never stops moving and has even been known to do cartwheels across the floor and dance on a table or two.
            With this is mind, we sat at the table furtherest away from any of this potentially embarrassing activity and enjoyed the company of Jim and Norma, friend of ours since they were Robin's 50th wedding a few years back. Jill and Mark came over for a quick hello while trying to get round all their guests. She lifted her dress to show me that she had changed from heels to her white blinged up Converses. Then decided to show us what was under Mark's kilt...thankfully he wasn't being a true Scotsman, but had 'Groom' written across his black boxers ( No photos were taken!)
           We all got up to dance and then enjoyed a pie from Clark's the bakers. Jill and Mark had brought them in for everyone to enjoy with their evening teas and a slice of the delicious wedding cake. I mean what saturday night in Banff or Macduff isn't complete without a pie.
             We phoned Jan fron J.J's to take us home just after the pie's had settled. Poor Jan was just about to go to her bed, but out of the goodness of her heart she popped over ( not in her nightie, I may add) to get us home.
        We had such a lovely day and can see how much Jill and Mark not only love each other, but are surrounded by the love of family and friends, they are very blessed. As the words of their first dance said...... 'All of me, loves all of you, all your curves and imperfections''s to a future for Mr and Mrs Campbell loving each other just that way for the rest of their days.

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