Saturday, 30 May 2015

No 16

Robin has put on some weight since he gave up being a postman two and a half years ago and decided to go full time, doing what he does now. When I say weight gain, the last time he went for his asthma check the nurse didn't say anything, she just handed him a print out with a graph of his weight over the last few years and the little line was heading steadily up the page
     Now you'd think it would be simple to just cut back a bit on the intake and increase the activity, but as we all know, the theory isn't as easy as it sounds.
       He decided to join a yoga class, buying himself new shorts and t-shirt oh and the trainers of course, because we all need new yoga trainers eh? This activity lasted one week. The class was on a Wednesday morning and he got a funeral every Wednesday for the next 5  weeks! Thankfully he didn't buy the new yoga mat he was planning on.
   Next came the swimming trunks. Now as you know I am an avid swimmer and nothing would make me happier than to see Robin come along for a cruise up and down the pool together. Needless to say, the dookers ( swim wear!) have stayed in the drawer with their tags on and Robin remains untouched by chlorine.
    I have a few 'best friends', all with different connections that have added and grown over the years to develop strong and firm friendships that will last the trials of time. Karen is one of these lovely ladies and we have known each other for the last 14 years or so since she and her family moved to Macduff.
     Karen and I don't need 'gear', we have experimented over the years with various activities. We've done Qigong ( a bit like Tai Chi) , swimming and  walking.
        We joined the gym in Turriff , went once for our induction  and then decided it really wasn't our thing, only to be reminded by the kind people at the pool every time we went swimming , that we hadn't completed our induction process yet, as it kept flagging up on the computer screen. I eventually looked the guy in the eyes and said ," that is never going to happen" and I think they removed it after that, as no-one has ever broached the subject again.
   Last week, Karen and I started to 'walk run'. This is an interesting activity where you start off walking with your friend and when the coast is clear of dog walkers or other pedestrians, you jog to the next bin or suitable object that's within view, then you walk again. We managed to get from the Banff links car park to Whitehills  and back without anyone seeing us run. It's a bit like being an exercise ninja, very exciting!
       Karen is not only my 'let's try something new' friend, she is my 'best friend with five kids' and not only that but my 'best friend with twins'.
          We met outside the nursery doors waiting for our kids, Dylan and James to come out and Karen's twin boys Bailley and Riley, who were only two at the time were attacked, in an affectionate kind of way, by Jake my middle son, who was 18 months. After the initial fear had worn off, they became best of pals as did Karen and I, especially as I was pregnant with twins at the time and wanted any advice on how to cope with what the future had ahead for us.
     Robert and Kim have twins, Miller and Indie, as well as their big sister Abbi. When I met Robert in the foyer of the Springs yesterday he was holding two and a half year old Miller in his arms as he had been baby sitting the night before so Kim could relax and and enjoy the preparations for her big day.
        I stood with Robin and we imagined having to organise a wedding when our twins were that age and we both agreed that it would've been more likely to have been a divorce in our case! Such were the stresses of having three children in nappies for the first few years and all the madness in between.
          It's only been a few weeks since we'd been there, but things had changed at the Springs. Jillian was very excited to show me the , finally completed, toilets in the function suite. Apparently the owner, Kenny, had been up till 1am doing the finishing touches. I had to go through for a tour and was very impressed indeed. They even had those turbo boost hand dryers that make your skin move on your hands ( well if you are nearly 50 it does!)

After my pulse settled down, I settled in to my seat and watched the Ogston/ Foubister connection filter in and take their seats.
         Abbi and Indie came in ahead of the bridesmaids holding hands, looking gorgeous in their little dresses with bows to match the raspberry pink of Kim's wedding colours. Indie took a second thought to the whole idea of walking down the aisle with her big sister and turned back to find her Mum. She was eventually whisked down to the front by Grandma and Kim came in on her Dad's arm , holding Miller's hand and looking stunning in her beautiful strapless taffeta dress with sliver embroidery around the bodice.
        All went well in the ceremony, with Kim and Robert both being totally relaxed and managing a wonderful hand fasting involving the whole family. After the vows, as is Robin's way, he added a few extra promises, asking Robert if he will promise to get off the sofa and help Kim out with the kids more and asking Kim if she would promise to stop talking for a minute and let Robert get a word in edgeways! 
        They finally kissed and walked up the aisle as Mr and Mrs Foubister for the first time.
It was a lovely sunny day and the bridal party headed off to Boyndie, just a few miles away , where they have beautiful gardens, to get their photos taken. The photographer was Debbie Walker and amazingly this as about the fourth time in as many weeks that we have been doing the same weddings. Debbie has a really relaxed style that couples seem to enjoy and from what we've seen, the results are great too. 
        We had a lovely relaxing afternoon having a drink and a cup of tea, watching as all the children were entertained by a balloon modeller and soon the place was filled with dinosaurs, swords and Olafs from Frozen.
        Kim and Robert came back a while later and we were able to see them photographed with many of the children that were there, giving them little gifts and tokens of blessing.
 They lined up as their guests came through for the meal and I got to congratulate Kim for the first time and tell her how wonderfully they had done to organise all of this. She smiled at me and said "Twin Mums" and I knew the conversation could've gone a lot further if there hadn't been folks waiting to greet the happy couple.
       "Did you go in to labour early?", "Did you feed them both yourself?", " How did you afford all those nappies", "Did you get people asking you if they were identical and have to explain that one has a penis and the other doesn't?"....the questions are never ending.
         We were at the top table again and had the pleasure of sitting next to Chris, Robert's groomsman, who had come over from Dubai just for the occasion. He and Robin got on like a house on fire and I had a chance to look at all the beautiful flowers that Robert's Granny had done.

 The wedding favours were trolley keys for Cancer Research and a lovely idea for the gents of a gift to a child from UNICEF of school materials.

Kim's Dad stood up to speak and then was followed by her Mum, who told Robert that Kim's initial 'KAO' had stood for 'Kicks Ass Often', now having changed to 'KAF'....'Kicks Ass Frequently' he'd better watch out!
   Robert spoke really well, giving thanks to everyone and saying how grateful they were for the input in to their lives.
       I could really relate to this, reminding me of the dedication that we had for Caleb and Phoebe, where we were able to thank those people in our lives who had supported us during the stressful first year of having can never be thankful enough for the support of friends and family.
    So with a tear in my eye we waited for Gary ( Gaz) the best man to stand. Robert had told us how they had been best friends since Playgroup and here they were supporting each other on this most important day, I can tell you my mascara was running!

     Gary spoke really well and honestly about his relationship with Robert and as he sat down beside Miller in his high chair ( Miller's not Gary's!), it was obvious to see how close they all were when he wiped Miller's face and kissed the top of his head...I'm going again!

      The meal was lovely as usual, served on square plates as per Jillian's new look table ware...what's she going to change next? And we enjoyed seeing all the kids running round and enjoying lots of 'cousin' time as they played together. Robert and Kim came up to thank Robin for all his help and flashed a bit of leg showing us the grooms undies.
Well that's clear to see eh?.....
     The fire was on in the foyer and we sat enjoying the warmth on the comfy leather chairs. We met Darren and Ellie who told us that they had tried to book Robin for their wedding in September but he was already booked. We heard the story of how they had to find an alternative and on enquiring with someone from Nairn, he told them he would charge 68p per mile to come and see them on top of his fee, so they quickly looked elsewhere. They now have someone else booked, but if Robin get's a cancellation for their date, he is to call!
    Quattro were playing for the evening dance and though we were going to head off early, we stayed to watch Kim and Robert do the grand march and first dance to Ben Haenow's 'Something I need'. .....I had to use Shazam to find out who it was and now have it on my phone...the wonders of technology!
         One of Robin's employers, Norman, the undertaker from Turriff, came in with his wife Brenda and we stood chatting. They told us that they enjoyed a quickstep and as that's just what the band were playing we asked them to show it how it was done.
    And here they are...


    After saying our farewells we stood waiting for our taxi to come and watched as the rain fell. I was just thinking how beautiful it was when I checked my facebook and Phoebe had just put up a post asking if anyone else loved the rain as much as her....gotta love that girl!
We had a great day, it was so lovely to meet all the Foubisters and though,I doubt that they will go on to have five children, we feel a real connection with them as a family with twins. So here's to a double blessing on their lives ahead and watch out you guys because you know that once you've had one set of twins the chances of another set are really might end up with five after all!!

1 comment:

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