Saturday, 9 May 2015


       It's ten o'clock at night and I'm sitting in my pyjamas writing this blog. I really should be going to my bed as we have a wedding in Aberdeen tomorrow and I have no idea how to get there, but here I sit listening for the washing machine to stop it's cycle so I can take my tights out and have them dry for tomorrow! I forgot to mention that I also stuck my dress that is 'dry clean only' in with the tights, on the off chance that it might survive to be worn to another wedding.
   I bought it ( full price ) to go to the Scottish BAFTA's 18 months ago with my dear friend Ruth. She managed to get us an invite from MAC makeup who sponsored the event and we had a blast of an evening, having our makeup done and a slap up meal with loads of celebrities around and the highlight of my year...getting the guys from Rockstar North, who created GTA to sign my brochure for my son Jake ( even though I won't let him play the game!!)
        Anyway, the dress has been worn and few times and freshened up, but now 'D' day has arrived and by the end of this blog, I will let you know if it made it!
Officially I shouldn't really be counting this as wedding no.10 as I didn't get invited to the service. But to be fair to Wayne and Nicola, today's couple, not may of their guests did.
          Nicola had decided that she wanted just immediate family there as they said their vows in Duff House and the rest of the guests were invited to join them at the Springs for drinks and canapes afterwards.
            Duff House is our local stately home, owned by Historic Scotland, one of the most beautiful places you can imagine to get married. My kids have been brought up with visits to the house as regular family outings, generally with me shouting 'don't touch that' or 'don't sit there'. After  the 'tour' we usually took a walk round the Wrack woods that are part of the grounds. Through the seasons the walk through the woods change with blankets of snowdrops in  late Winter, then daffodils in Spring and finally bluebells in abundance in early Summer.
                  My eldest daughter, Ellie, decided that the mausoleum in the woods was the perfect location for her and Conor to get married. As I drove up to the house today to drop Robin off I was reminded of their day. Almost two years ago now, but still remains my favourite wedding apart from my own of course.
               Today was perfect for Nicola and Wayne. As I arrived at the hotel they were still away having their photo's taken and enjoying the amazing day of sunshine that they had got. Robin had walked up from Duff house and was sitting enjoying a Pimm's when I walked in. We sat and enjoyed the view from the front and I decided to play around with my new panaoramic app to see if I could capture the amazing view that you get on a day like this.

        There was a sign up as we went in to the function suite saying that there was no seating plan, just to plump yourself wherever you liked. So, just as we sat down and introduced ourselves to the folks around, Jillian came up and told us that we were actually meant to sit at the top table. We made our apologies ( hoping that Robin hadn't licked his spoon or anything) and moved toNicola and Wayne's table.
             The tables were beautifully laid out with silver candalabras, all with stunning vintage shaded fower arrangements. Margaret, Nicola's Mum, told me that tomorrow they were going to the home that Nicola's granny had been in before she died so the residents could enjoy them.
Not only did they want to share their flowers, but they had specifically asked people not to give them presents and for any donations to be split between Cancer research in memory of Wayne's uncle who died prematurely of cancer at the age of 55, alzheimers Scotland and Multiple Sclerosis Scotland. A lovely gesture and one that made Nicola and Wayne's family very proud.
       Nicola's Dad, Hamish, gave a heartfelt speech and was followed by Wayne's brother and bestman Graham, who told us a stpry of how Wayne had tried to run away from home when he was younger , after his three older brothers had been teasing him. They picked him and his suitcase up in the family car ,3 telegraph poles down from the house ,  and all headed off for a Sunday run in the car. I had to smile at this reference as this was a regular activity in our home on a Sunday. All piling into the car while our Dad drove us to various picturesque venues and all we wanted was to get out for an icecream. It usually ended in us getting our legs skelped for fighting and someone being threatened to walk home (usually me!).
    Well, when they all got home, Graham took the suitcase out of the car and out of inquisitiveness had a look to see what Wayne would take in his case if he was planning to run off and live alone. There he found 8 tins of beans, 6 pairs of socks and 4 pairs of pants...but no tin opener! No wonder he needs Nicola to look after him!
         Both Nicola and Wayne are from farming families and anyone who has been brought up on a farm as I have been, knows that they have a way of their own. Hamish had already been out this morning feeding all the cattle and finding two new Aberdeen Angus calves had been born in the night. The problem with coming from 'fermin fowk' is that a sunny day is a dangerous thing that tempts them away from family occasions.My Dad was bestman at his friend's wedding and it was a glorious summer day, they ended going out after the wedding service to do some combining as they didn't want to miss a good days work! Amazingly that marriage lasted....what an understanding wife.
           The cake was cut and  guests came for the evening as we watched  'The limit' set up for the dance. They are a 4 piece group of guys with a really great lead singer and a great choice of music, definitely one I would recommend.
       Everyone got up for a grand march and then the new Mr and Mrs Laird danced to Ellie Goulding's 'Your Song' surrounded by their guests who joined in after the first few verses.
    We decided as the music was so good to stay for a bit of a boogie and show the young ones how to really dance! But then the reality that we have to be up and away for the next weddding tomorrow morning, hit. We'd really better go.
      Robin called for a taxi and I took one last shot of the sunset as we waited for our ride home.
Well, it's 11.20pm, the wash is complete and the dress survived!! The tights are on the radiator ready for tomorrow and a new outfit.
    Wayne and Nicola will still be up dancing with their guests and making memories. Wishing them all the best for their years together. x

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