Sunday, 30 August 2015


   I was sitting in tears in the living room, surrounded by piles of papers and open drawers, staring aimlessly around me, trying to imagine where on earth my passport could be...
      Last year, a Facebook friend was going on holiday with her family and her husband had lost his passport. I followed her posts with great sympathy as they searched in every corner of their house and beyond, coming to a point where they had looked into him going to get a new one from the passport office, it was a few weeks of total stress. Eventually, a few days before their departure, they found it in the handbag of their three year old daughter...I was so happy for them!
      I am taking Jake, Caleb and Phoebe to Cyprus in October to see my Mum and her husband, Denis. It's been 9 years since we last went, so Jake felt, as it was coming up to his 16th birthday in November, that this should be the year to go. At the beginning of this year I found really good Easyjet  flights from Liverpool to Larnaca and decided that we could combine our Cyprus trip with a call in to see the Woods family on either side, getting a bit of Grandma time in with my gorgeous grandson Rowan and his equally appealing parents, Ellie and Conor.
   All good so far, I hear you say...
  My Mum had been really generous and super organised, offering to pay for the kids passports that were needing renewed, as well as hiring a villa for us to stay in, down the road from their home for our 11 day stay, so I got the forms and sent the paperwork off.
    When the passports arrived I placed them all on the mantelpiece in the living room, as is my style of organisation. I like to see where things are, so I know I can access them if needs be. And there they stayed, with mine beside them..... until Thursday morning.
     Phoebe picked them up first and decide to have a laugh at the photos, going through them all methodically, finally stating that Robin's was the last in the pile. I disputed this as I knew that Robin's was well past it's date and was in the filing cabinet in the 'passports and bank book' section while mine was sitting with the kids' ones.
   "No, definitely Dad's", she said.
I was getting annoyed as she obviously couldn't read properly and I took it from her , only to realise that she was indeed correct and my passport was not where my brain had told me it would be.
     That familiar feeling of nausea and panic started to settle in as I made my way round the house sorting through piles of papers, knowing deep down that the precious little book wasn't there but not having a clue where else to look.
     I always tell the kids that God knows exactly where everything in the world is, so if they've lost anything, ask Him. Apart from the time where I managed to lose a wall art poster for James' Christmas by hiding it too well and to this day, despite repeated prayer on the run up to Christmas 2009, has never been found!
       In 1998 we moved to Texas for a year and gave up our council house in the move. We knew the couple who were moving in, so had left all our furnishings and some furniture for them.
    I managed to lose my engagement ring during the last few weeks, something that usually wouldn't worry me too much but on this occasion as we packed the final boxes and locked the door for the last time, it still hadn't turned up and I could only hope that it was inside a box somewhere and would turn up as we unpacked in our next home.
         I went to Church the following Sunday and had told a few folks about my dilemma asking if they could pray and a friend came up after the service and said..
" I know this sounds mad but I believe that God told me your ring is sitting on a unit in your kitchen."
   I thanked him, but knowing that I had scoured the whole house before we left, was pretty sure he had heard wrong.
     The next day I got a call from the new occupants to say that they had walked in to the house and there was my ring sitting right in the middle of the kitchen unit, next to the sink and did I want it back?....I was speechless!
   So leaning on past experience I sat in the middle of all the paperwork and prayed and I got an answer. I realised that I had used my passport for ID when I flew down to see Ellie, Conor and Rowan in February. I went back over what I had worn and what bags I had travelled with and remembered my handbag that I had used. I walked over to the kitchen door, found the bag where I had hung it, after coming back from the airport, reached inside and there was my passport with my boarding card and travel documents, totally untouched for the last 6 months!!
     I was so relieved I could've cried.....
  My number 33 couple, Stacey and John, are well travelled  and decided to bring their last holiday in Australia in as the theme for their special day at Meldrum House. I was particularly looking forward to their wedding as I knew from Robin that Stacey, her sister Carly and brother Joe are all hearing impaired and after my experience of teaching Caleb to speak using Makaton ( a type of sign language), I knew that this would be a very special day indeed.

I decided to wear my Lindybop dress again, this time teaming it up with a wide leather belt and my new poppy pashmina for a bit of flare. I was driving ( again!), but actually didn't mind at all as we had spent a wonderful day on the Friday at David and Terry's wedding, as guests. It had been a brilliant day with great company and we had dragged ourselves away from the party after 11pm ( late for Robin and I!) while everyone else was still having a ball.

We could see when we arrived that building work had started on the new phase of the hotel, planning to replace the existing marquee that has been a feature for many years, with a new function suite and apparently more accommodation.
     The ceremony was being held in the stables and as I stopped to take a photo I glanced down at the base of the fountain that sits in the centre of the car park and spotted a little naked swimmer! I've stood by the water feature on many occasions but never noticed this before, maybe he scoops up at the coins people throw in!

      The room was full to capacity, each chair covered in grey with cream chiffon fastened at the back with  a pearl brooch.The flowers were pink hydrangeas arranged with palm leaves and huge pristine gladioli.
      I managed to squeeze myself into the last chair at the back, under the stair case, only realising that if I stood up I would bang my head off the ceiling. Thankfully I was sitting next to a lovely friend of Stacey's who saw my dilemma and moved over to let me stand upright as the bridal party came in.
       Stacey's brother Joe gave her away, as they had lost their Dad, also Joe, ten years ago. He did a wonderful job and the service reflected their love for their Dad and how much he was still a part of all their lives, living on in their hearts and minds.
I was amazed at how well Stacey could lip read, seamlessly following Robin's lead throughout the whole ceremony, despite his Doric accent and his jibes at John for being a bad loser at the board games they played together.
       He told us how they had met at the Wizard festival five years before, John being hooked on Stacey's fantastically bubbly personality straight away, he persisted in texting till she agreed to meet up and here they stood ready to commit to being together for the rest of their lives.
     As their vows were read Stacey shed a tear, a bit overwhelmed with the emotion of the whole occasion and managed to say her I do with perfect timing.
      Soon the new Mr and Mrs Rennie signed the schedule to Ed Sheeran's, Thinking out loud, and we followed them out into the courtyard to have a group photo.
   We hadn't seen Jamie, the photographer, for about a year, so it was lovely to see him and meet his wife for the first time, having a rare day away without their kids! 
     We had a lovely relaxing afternoon, drinking tea and watching the world go by from the comfort of the huge leather chairs in the reception area. The weather held off as the photographs were taken and I got a chance to meet Stacey and John in the flesh for the first time,

Her oyster satin dress was sleeveless with delicate lace straps. The same antique lace ran all the way down to her train. The most beautiful ornate hairpiece sat at an angle on her hair with a full length veil that sparkled all the way to the floor and beyond. What a stunning couple!
      As Robin introduced us, Stacey gave me a huge hug and I watched as she and John worked so well together, him filling in words that our unaccustomed ears didn't quite get and Stacey beautifully animated as she spoke. You don't realise till you see someone who is hearing impaired speaking, how much you must miss in normal conversation.There is so much more expression and touch involved. 
   Caleb had said to me the other day how he regretted not keeping up with his Makaton, now that his speech is so good and after spending the day with Stacey and John I think I might look into learning sign language's not just a language, it's a real gift.
         There was no lineup, so we headed down to the marquee and found that we were at the 'Gold Coast' table next to John's Grandma and Granda and other family.
    Brenda, Stacey's Mum, stood first to speak and after she had got Stacey's undivided attention, told her how proud she was of her, knowing her Dad would've been too. Now a fully trained, successful hairdresser, we heard how in her younger years there had been a few disastrous hair cuts for her dolls and even one for her Dad.
           John spoke from his heart saying thank you to their families and all who had supported them in making the day happen. He told us how happy he was to be able to call Stacey his wife and how much he loved her, something we could all see quite clearly.
   Barry, John's best man did a great speech telling us of John's escapades when they were younger, apologizing for not believing John  when he had tripped on a step at school as they were going to queue for dinner, only to find out later that he had broken his ankle! Apology accepted, we all toasted the happy couple and sat down to enjoy our meal.

Our name cards were clipped to corks that Stacey and John had been collecting for the last few years, even having enough left over to make a beautiful 'Love' sculpture that sat above the amazing 'Travel' themed cake, made by John's Aunt. I especially loved the little kangaroo.
               The meal was served by the very efficient staff and we all enjoyed our choices, Robin ad I having slow roasted pork belly in a red wine jus as a main,' jus' delicious....get it? We had a lovely bunch of folks at our table and I enjoyed chatting to Grandma and Granda who have been married 54 years, having grown up in neighbouring farms when they were small. Robin sat beside Billy, John's uncle, who told him he did a mean ' Sex is on fire' on karaoke and would take over from the band given half a chance! We were very tempted to hang about an see if he really would!
              I watched the top table as all the beautiful bridesmaids, in dusky pink and lilac, and groomsmen chatted. All so used to speaking with no volume, because, who needs to, right? I was  aware that a lot of people in the room were amazing lip readers and had no need to hear what I was saying to understand. Stacey caught my eye during the meal, asking if I was drinking, when I said I was driving she caught it perfectly and told me that she and John always take turns and Robin should take note. All that without leaving the table...brilliant!
          The cake was cut and we all had a laugh when John decided not to just stick the knife in but to slice the whole cake up..

    The tables were moved to the sides as the evening guests poured in and we watched as Banff band, Wonderland, set up for the evening's entertainment. Robin went over to ask them for 'Sex is on fire' as a special request for Billy!

            John and Stacey were soon leading everyone in a grand march which was directed by Sarah the wedding coordinator, with finesse and soon they were swaying to 'Amazed' by Lonestar, gazing intently at each other like it didn't matter who else was there.
     Brenda had asked for a special request to be played next and we listened as 'I loved her first' by Heartland started to play.

 It was only then that I realised that Brenda was signing the song to Stacey and John as they danced, locked in each other's arms. The whole way through the song she stood and signed the words and I can feel the tears welling up know even as I write about it, so you can imagine whet a mess my makeup was in after she had finished.
        Stacey and John were totally unprepared and the tears were flowing for everyone as we applauded...what a fantastic thing to be able to do.
        We had a little dance, but when Brown eyed girl came on I knew that was our cue to leave! We managed to tear John and Stacey away from their guests to say our goodbyes and she told me to drive safely and to keep an eye on Robin, she knows him so well!
            I've got my passport in a very safe place now and my engagement ring is somewhere hanging'll turn up. As for the new Mr and Mrs Rennie, I know they've found something very special that won't ever be lost, kept safe and secure in their hearts from this day on... x

                                    Look at the two of you dancing that way

Lost in the moment and each others face
So much in love your alone in this place
Like there's nobody else in the world
I was enough for her not long ago
I was her number one
She told me so
And she still means the world to me
Just so you know
So be careful when you hold my girl
Time changes everything
Life must go on
And I'm not gonna stand in your way

But I loved her first and I held her first
And a place in my heart will always be hers
From the first breath she breathed
When she first smiled at me
I knew the love of a father runs deep
And I prayed that she'd find you someday
But it still hard to give her away
I loved her first

How could that beautiful women with you
Be the same freckle face kid that I knew
The one that I read all those fairy tales to
And tucked into bed all those nights
And I knew the first time I saw you with her
It was only a matter of time

But I loved her first and I held her first
And a place in my heart will always be hers
From the first breath she breathed
When she first smiled at me
I knew the love of a father runs deep
And I prayed that she'd find you someday
But its still hard to give her away
I loved her first

From the first breath she breathed
When she first smiled at me
I knew the love of a father runs deep
Someday you might know what I'm going through
When a miracle smiles up at you
I loved her first





Sunday, 23 August 2015


This is Jason...your groom for today's blog. I have Gemma, the bride's express permission to share these photos with you and having met Jason last week while we drove up to Elgin, I feel that he would be perfectly happy to let you all see his Stag party pics. I also know that the first picture that I post on a blog is always the picture that comes up on the post in Facebook,....oh, it's the small things in life.....
      We've had our own Jason living with us over the summer holidays...
It all started with a knock at the door quite late on the first Sunday night after the school's broke up and Jake answered it. He popped his head into the living room and asked if Jason could stay the night. I wasn't too surprised as I knew from Jake that things hadn't been good in Jason's world and knowing that he had been put out of his house a few times in the past year, had said if he ever needed a place to go , he could come to us.
      The next day we found out that he was genuinely homeless and so Jason became part of the Wiseman family until a suitable home could be found. Having just turned sixteen there was no real support on offer for him other than a bed at the Waterfront (!) and if he could manage to fill in the 70 page document (yes you read right!) at the Job centre, he would be entitled to £56 a week to pay for his food, bills etc. 
   Thankfully James had just left on his travels to Ghana and we were able to offer up his bed  and a place for Jason to get his head straight, while he was dealing with taking this massive step in his life.     
       With the help of Wendy and Craig, who work between the school and the Community centre in Banff, a huge amount of form filling in took place. Meetings with housing officers, learning how to access the food bank (If he ever needed it), setting up a bank account and after a lot of insisting, finding out that he was entitled to an extra £30 a week through the government's EMA scheme, despite being told by lots of people beforehand that he wouldn't be, meant that he finally started to feel more confident and that he could contemplate this living on his own thing.
      I texted James to tell him that we had let out his bedroom in his absence and was relieved when his reply was to say that it was fine, as long as Jason didn't mind a spooning partner once James came back, on the colder nights! Obviously that was enough to freak Jason out and when James finally came back, he moved down to the living room to sleep on the sofa bed.
       From day one, he barely spoke, other than to say 'Thank you'. Then gradually he changed, we could hear James' guitar being played up in his room ( and boy, can he play!), he started to come down and sit with us as we watched TV, even though he came down when we all went to bed to watch catch up episodes of Eastenders ( well, we can't all be perfect!). He started to go out for walks, that turned in to epic treks ( I think that was just to get away from us!) and I smiled when I found him laughing a joking a long with the rest of the kids in a way that brother or sisters do.
        The thing that shocked him most of all was how everyone wanted to help.
   He was given an iphone by our friend Andy, when he heard that Jason had left home without any electronic devices at all. A friend in America is sending him over a laptop. He has been offered furniture should he need it, TVs, bedding towels, clothes galore, school books and even a Saturday job in the chemist where he did his work experience.
   On Monday morning Jason got the call. He came through to the kitchen as I was emptying the dishwasher and told me he had been offered a flat in Banff. He needed to accept or reject immediately, so I asked if he was ready and he said yes...... Within one hour Wendy had collected him and his stuff and he was away. 
     Phoebe and I popped over to see the new pad and gave it our seal of approval, thinking how funny it was that Jason's stay was from the first weekend of the holidays till the very last day...perfectly timed.
      Now he is happy and settled. He is still part of our family, whether he likes it or not, coming for tea every Wednesday and knowing that he can come for Sunday lunch at Grandma's whenever he likes or call if there is anything he needs.
     We have been changed by having Jason in our lives just as he has, by turning up at our door that Sunday night and we wouldn't change a thing.
      I had been looking forward to yesterday's wedding having gotten to know Gemma and Jason over the past wee while. They both work at the Springs, Gemma on reception and Jason as a chef in the kitchens.
     It's a real testament to the owners and staff that after viewing many venues, Jason and Gemma decided the best place for their big day was the place they work,The Banff Springs Hotel!
       I had been up writing Michelle and Roddy's blog, yesterday morning but had already decided what dress I was wearing, as my friend, Lillian, had given me a look at her wardrobe and allowed me to borrow one of her outfits. Phoebe kindly did the photo shoot so here's the final masterpiece...
It was looking like a perfect day, I had already managed to get two loads of washing out on the line and back in again it was so warm.
      John from JJ's turned up in perfect time as Robin had booked him from the night before, so off we headed, leaving the kids with a pizza each and a packet of icecreams with orders to walk and feed the dog.
         Guests were out in front of the hotel as we arrived, enjoying the sunshine and we noted one of the waiters who had transformed into a piper for the day, standing on the steps waiting to play...this was going to be a real Springs family affair.
         Jillian was waiting for us at reception and told me of her morning that started really early. Her son, Leo was six that day and had woken early, too excited to sleep. On seeing that he had an electric scooter as his present from Mum and Dad he insisted on trying it out and they ended up down at the Banff Links at 8am, watching him try it out!
        The function suite looked fantastic, all the chairs had black seat covers on with cream gauze bows, fastened with pearl and diamante brooches. The flowers at the front were in silver vases with white chrysanthemums, hydrangeas and pink roses, beautifully set with frosty greenery and weeping willow.
     Cream lanterns with candles were placed on either side of the cream carpet that ran up the aisle, ready to be lit just before everyone came in. Thankfully Jillian was doing that job, though I did offer after my excellent candle lighting skills from last week.

I had just sat down at the back when the new Mr and Mrs McLaren, David and Katrina from last Friday's wedding ( no.29), came and sat beside me with their friend Mandy. Two weddings in a row with people wanting to sit beside me, I was starting to feel quite loved. They both looked as though married life was treating them well 8 days in, despite David having acquired a cold sore from kissing too many guests, the week before! Here's me and Mrs McLaren...
The music started, an acoustic version of A Thousand Years and in came Sarah, the first bridesmaid dressed in full length black silk jersey, jewel encrusted on one shoulder. She held the little flower girl's hand as she scattered pink rose petals along the carpet on their way down the aisle.
     The three other bridesmaids followed suite and finally Gemma came in holding her Uncle Ron's arm. It really brought a tear to my eye, she looked so beautiful.
          Her cream silk tafetta gown had a delicate lace bodice, that fell from her shoulders, embroidered with tiny glass beading and pearls, fastened at the back of her neck with tiny silk covered buttons. The silk twisted around as it carried down to the floor, pinned up at the side with matching lace and continuing down to the train. Her hairband was silver with little diamonte flowers, setting off her romantically styled hair perfectly.
 At the beginning of the ceremony, Jason lit some candles, in memory of loved ones that were no longer with them, a huge part of most people's thoughs and especially for Jason and Gemma who had a table laid out later in the day with photos of those who remained close in their hearts, who would have loved to witness this special day.
       We heard how they had met while working at the Springs and how friendship had blossomed in to love fairly quickly, Jason proposing to Gemma not long after they moved in together. 
    Now, a few years on, they were standing in this familiar spot ready to say their vows and confirm that love in front of those that meant most to them in their lives.
      Gemma had chosen 'From this moment' by Shania Twain to sign their schedule too and had been taken back last week, as at Katrina and David's wedding, they had chosen the same song. She had texted her the next day to ask if it was ok to use the same music and of course Katrina was delighted. So delighted in fact that the tears started to flow. Thankfully I was armed with hankies  and was able to save her make up, David took one as well but just because he was 'sweating'...hmm, likely story!!
           The new Mr and Mrs Barclay led their guests out  and we enjoyed our afternoon while they went off to have their photos taken at the Boyndie centre just along the road. It has the most beautiful gardens and walks and I'm looking forward to seeing the photos.
     John Milne was taking the video for the day and has a natty little video drone that he uses, I caught him when he came back from Boyndie, giving it a whirl and took a few pictures..

It was probably taking pictures of me at the time! John had already put a clip of Gemma getting ready that morning up on Facebook, he's a speedy worker that man.
       The bride and groom came back in style in a vintage car, driven by the hotel owner Kenny and despite the fact that there had been a bit of light rain, all the photos had gone well and we managed to get a few more before going in to enjoy our meal.

And here's the lovely Sarah, showing off her 'I'm definitely not working today' look as one of the luscious looking bridesmaids.

 We gave Jason and Gemma a huge hug each, as they welcomed their guests and congratulated them before heading to our table with a glass of prosecco.

     Gemma's Uncle Ron welcomed Jason in to 'The mad house' and said how proud they all were of Gemma and all she had achieved.
    Jason was up next, having been primed by David, who had forgotten last week to say the essential 'On behalf of my wife and I' and was never going to live it down, to definitely get that in first. Well it came out as, 'On behalf of myself and my bride...'.
    He got back on script after his wonderful start and said the most beautiful thanks to Gemma's Mum,Liz, who he said had been her rock and to his own parents for all they had done to love and support them.
    Iain, Jason's best man spoke of their friendship from primary school and how despite Jason's poor choice of football team, they had remained the best of friends. He brought out a Celtic scarf for Jason to wear to his next match that was quickly removed and given to the 'other' Jason, his groomsman.
    At this point I recognised the 'other' Jason as being Michelle's brother from the day before and I had called him Jordan in my blog...a quick edit and and apology to anyone who picked that up, but I did ask Robin if both Roddy and Michelle's brother's were called Jordan and he nodded!!
    He told us of Jason's proposal, that was meant to happen on a romantic holiday to Teneriffe, but Jason bottled it and instead waited till they got home, leaving a note with 'Marry me' and the ring on the kitchen table for Gemma to find. Iain produced a 'redesigned' note for us all to see and here are our loving couple showing it off...

      Speeches past, everyone could relax and enjoy their meal and we did , enjoying great company with Jason's Grandparents and their families.

The cake was a work of art and it seemed a shame to cut into it, but soon Mr and Mrs Barclay did the essential and we all rushed up for a prime picture.
   Jason's dad, Brian, said a few words of thanks, especially to all the staff at the Springs who had made the day so special.
      We sat outside as it was a pleasant evening, heading inside to grab a table when the room had been turned around. We spotted loads of familiar faces who had been in uniform not long before, transformed into wedding guests, obviously looking forward to the evening ahead.
   The band, Traffic, were setting up and soon Jason and Gemma were leading the way for their Grand March.
I took a quick pic and then discovered that my wonderful dress has pockets...yes, I could slip my phone in one and run in to join the dance! 
     We pulled back into a circle to watch Mr and Mrs B dance to 'All of me' by John Legend and soon we all took to the floor to join them.
We decided as a start to Robin's new keep fit campaign that apparently starts from now as he couldn't get his waistcoat on without breathing in, that we would have a bit of a dance off. So after a good few boogies we realised that it was almost 10pm and John would be coming to pick us up at any moment.
     We caught up with Jason and Gemma to say good bye and wish them a wonderful time on honeymoon, knowing we'll see them when they get back...well, Gemma anyway, behind the desk, back in her old role, with a new name tag!!  
      Well, our Jason has found a new home and is excited with this new phase in his life, knowing that he has the love and support that he needs to move on in life.
      For the new Mr and Mrs Jason Barclay the same is true. Wishing them so much love and blessings for this new time in their lives, so wonderful to have been a small part of such a big step. Much love x






Saturday, 22 August 2015


 James decided when he came back from Ghana that it was time to fly the nest. He had been commuting into Aberdeen and back three times a week on the 35a, adding an extra 4 hours to his day and on days when he had basket ball practice, it meant getting up at 4.30am to be in on time for the 7.30am there's devotion for you. It paid off mind you as they reached the Scottish Colleges basketball semi-finals earlier in the year, so he can hold his head high.
           I remember when I left home for the first time. I had a place in Nursing College, but not to start until a year after I finished school, so my Mum scanned the adverts in the 'Lady' magazine ( yes, it still exists) and found a job as a cook, for a family that lived in a stately home in the outskirts of Edinburgh, where I would eventually be studying. Bizarrely, despite my fairly basic skills, they decided to take me on and so my adventure of living independently began.
             I only had to work at 'The Drum' for six months  as I got an offer to start my nursing a bit earlier. I'm sure the More-Nisbet family were quite relieved as some of my culinary delights were a shock to their highly refined taste buds...well, how was I to know you had to peel a kiwi fruit? As for skinning a rabbit...I mean what kind of upbringing doesn't prepare you for that? The straw that broke the camel's back was using melted down mars bars to ice a birthday cake, not realising that it would be pretty much impossible to slice...well, you live and learn.
              Having traveled solo to Africa, fought off a family of huge spiders that had taken up residence under his bed, eaten pretty much anything that was served up to him and survived, James was quite confident he could manage to live in Aberdeen with the lesser spotted Lewis as his flatmate.
    Anyone who knew James as a child would laugh when I tell them that James has chosen of his own free will to leave us. I remember peeling him off my neck and handing him over to Helen, the playgroup leader, while he howled, feeling like the worst mother in the world. We had many melt down moments over the years and yet as he has got to know himself, his strengths and weaknesses and what he believes in, his confidence has grown, his emotions steadied and now he's ready...
      Aileen was James' nursery teacher and knew very well what James was like. She would tell me that his favourite spot was the reading corner, where he would sit 'reading', often with the book upside down. His way of being in the class but not having to get too up close and personal with the other kids.She encouraged me to put him into Primary one when I had my doubts over how he would get on and well, she was right, look at him now.
      I was at work yesterday morning and the postman came in as usual about 10am, he seemed a bit flustered as he tried to get his scanner to work so I could sign for a recorded delivery letter. Furiously searching through on his phone for the 'how to start your scanner code', he told me that he was having a bad day as he was in a real rush and everything that could go wrong seemed to be doing it that morning. Eventually after resetting the scanner, dropping the scanner, thankfully, it was unharmed, he rushed away to deliver the rest of his round. I smiled, thinking..tight for time? You don't know the half of it son!
       I walked in to the house, after finishing work at 12, to find Robin still in his pyjamas, having been up since 4am (yip!), writing up the services for the day. He had promised to do a memorial service for a family, also in the Springs, that evening, so had his work cut out. I had already got my gear ready, so played my role as Mrs Organised, while Robin was running round like a headless chicken trying to get himself sorted before Jan turned up at 1.20pm, to whisk us away.
             He was searching for a missing quaich, thinking he had maybe left it at last week's wedding in Aberdeen, only for me to tell him that I had been using it to store my buttons in while doing a bit of dress embellishing through the week...I mean, why wouldn't he think of that?
   Quaich found, Robin washed and dressed, we jumped in Jan's taxi and headed for the Springs.
  Roddy, Aileen's younger son, was at the door of the Springs to welcome us and certainly looked very relaxed on what was a beautifully warm and balmy day.
          Robin did a quick introduction and we headed in to have a look about.

The room was set out beautifully for about 100 guests, each chair tied with a ruffled chiffon cover, secured with an ornate pearl brooch. The flower arrangement at the front of the room was a glorious selection of white hydrangeas and pink roses matching the cream lanterns that lined the aisle with flickering candles edged with more pink and cream roses.

               I felt a hand on my shoulder and was glad to see Dawn and her husband Tony come and sit beside me...someone wanted to sit next to me..I was overwhelmed. Dawn worked with Aileen in the same primary class up at Macduff school and they had become firm friends over the years, so when we spotted Aileen coming in, looking really stylish in ash pink, she made a beeline for Dawn to say hello.
    Gordon, Aileen's husband was walking their grandson Finlay around, finally getting him to sleep, hoping he would stay settled for the whole service as Dad was best man and Mum was a bridesmaid. I volunteered my babysitting services if he woke up, not wanting any of the important wedding party to stress about what their wee man was doing and secretly hoping for a bit of baby time!
        Hayley, the piper, played as four of the most adorable little flower girl's came in ahead of the bridesmaids in little matching cream dresses and sandals. They made it down the aisle, then running to their respective Mum's as they knew they'd played their part to perfection.
   Wearing pale pink full length chiffon gowns, the bridesmaids looked a picture, holding bunches of white hydrangeas with pink roses and led the way as Michelle came in on her bother Jason's arm.
     So happy and relaxed, she looked stunning in her white satin strapless dress, ruched the whole way down with a waistband of diamante and glass beading, that matched her sparkling hair band. her veil trailed all the way down to the tip of her train completing the whole look perfectly.
        At this point Finlay had had enough of the pipes and decide to wake up, so I slipped up to whisk him away from Gordon and Aileen, and walked him about in his pram at the back of the room while the ceremony continued. My amazing walking skills obviously worked as he went back to sleep fairly quickly and I got to hear Roddy and Michelle take their vows.
     Robin told us how they had been married before, to each other, almost 20 years ago, when they took the seals from bottle tops and had a wedding ceremony at school. When it came for time to place the rings on each other's fingers he gave them a choice of bottle tops or the rings that Jordan had in his pocket, Michelle chose  the gold ones, but I have a picture of the others for you..
Finally Mr and Mrs McKay walked up the aisle to the pipes and yes, Finlay woke up again! Such a little treasure, he didn't make a sound and I had the pleasure of his company till Dad came and took him away for photos before his Aunt would take him home for tea and bed, leaving Mum and Dad to have a relaxing evening with all their family and friends.

     We had a lovely afternoon enjoying Dawn and Tony's company and getting to meet Michelle's Step-sister Natalie and her fiance Steve, who Robin is marrying next March and I'm invited! There little girl Cara is just 6 months old, so it will be lovely to see how she has changed in the months ahead and I might even get a babysitting slot there too!
   Suddenly I spotted a familiar face and realised it was my postie from earlier in the morning, so that's why he was in such a rush! I asked him how his scanner was and he looked at me with a puzzled expression, obviously not recognising me as I looked so transformed. Then the penny dropped and he smiled.Being father to two of the gorgeous little flower girls meant he had abandoned Mum, in the morning, to getting herself and their tow daughters ready, while he swanned about posting letters, I mean who do you feel sorry for here?? ( Bet I'll get it in the neck next Friday!_
      The table plan was up and we saw that we were at the top table , next to Gordon and Aileen. The tables were named after the ports of call that Roddy and Michelle will be visiting on their honeymoon in November when they go cruising in the Caribbean  with 3 nights in New York at the end.
       We had a proper chance to say congratulations to Roddy and Michelle as we lined up to go in to the function suite for the meal, each getting a lovely glass of prosecco for our toasts.

    The cake was a wonderful two sided affair, white and ruffled on one side , opening up to reveal and fantastic batman cake on the other.
  Mr and Mrs McKay were piped in and Alistair, Michelle's Step-Dad started off the speeches speaking beautifully about how much Michelle means to them and not forgetting to mention Roxy the dog as part of the new McKay family.
     Roddy spoke next thanking all who had helped with their day especially his parents for putting up with him in his younger years, even though Aileen had put him to bed one night, after he had some back home mildly intoxicated, giving him a hot water bottle as any caring Mother would. The next day he woke with burns down his legs and she has never been allowed to forget it.
   Jordan told us of Roddy's Stag do in Banff, where on getting drunk rather quickly ( there's a recurrent theme here eh?) Roddy decided to drop his trousers and undies to his ankles to have a pee, in public, on trying to dress himself again he fell over backwards and was knocked out cold. The evening ended with him in hospital under observation, obviously a story that will live on..
     Gordon has the last speech, making mention of John and Lynne, great family friends who had Roddy at theirs as much as he was at home, often having tea in both homes.
     We had a great meal, enjoying Aileen and Gordon's company and seeing how relaxed all the boys were now the speeches were over. 
     Soon it was time to cut the amazing batman/bridal cake and we headed out to have a seat in the foyer.
   At this point I managed to get a great photo of Michelle's two sisters, Amy and Sarah, looking so pretty in their bridesmaids dresses.
This was the point that Robin was to disappear to do the memorial service in the Moray suite and I was very grateful for Laura, his cousin, who turned up with Skylar and Riley to keep me company. Naomi, her sister, had been around the whole day and I had managed to grab Cooper, just four weeks old, for a turn about the room as Naomi finished her pudding so we could have a bit of bonding time.
   We went through for the dance to see Cover to Cover, a local ban, setting up and watched the kids eyes light up at the sight of a sweetie table and a photo booth, good call Mr and Mrs McKay.
      Grand march time came and Roddy and Michelle led their guests round the floor, though I think Roddy needed a bit of extra guidance from Sarah, who was co-ordinating things as she pointed him in the right direction. 

    Their first dance was' Never gonna be alone' by Nickle back and we stood round watching as the , very happy couple relaxed in to each others arms and enjoyed this special song together,
Almost unforgivable was The band playing 'Brown eyed girl' as their first song, but I didn't take it personally and soon all was forgiven as Robin came back and we were up dancing to 'Mustang Sally' with the dance floor filled.
        After a fantastic day in fantastic company we called JJs and said our farewells , thanking Michelle and Roddy for a wonderful day and being so thoughtful towards us.
    Sometimes the time is just right to take a big step in forward, make a commitment and grasp life with both hands. For James this is the right time and for Roddy and Michelle too. So lovely to be a part of their day and see them making those special promises in front of so many special people.
    Wishing the new Mr and Mrs McKay much love and blessings for the years ahead..remember I've still got the plastic rings in my wedding bag if you ever want a shot. x