Saturday, 22 August 2015


 James decided when he came back from Ghana that it was time to fly the nest. He had been commuting into Aberdeen and back three times a week on the 35a, adding an extra 4 hours to his day and on days when he had basket ball practice, it meant getting up at 4.30am to be in on time for the 7.30am there's devotion for you. It paid off mind you as they reached the Scottish Colleges basketball semi-finals earlier in the year, so he can hold his head high.
           I remember when I left home for the first time. I had a place in Nursing College, but not to start until a year after I finished school, so my Mum scanned the adverts in the 'Lady' magazine ( yes, it still exists) and found a job as a cook, for a family that lived in a stately home in the outskirts of Edinburgh, where I would eventually be studying. Bizarrely, despite my fairly basic skills, they decided to take me on and so my adventure of living independently began.
             I only had to work at 'The Drum' for six months  as I got an offer to start my nursing a bit earlier. I'm sure the More-Nisbet family were quite relieved as some of my culinary delights were a shock to their highly refined taste buds...well, how was I to know you had to peel a kiwi fruit? As for skinning a rabbit...I mean what kind of upbringing doesn't prepare you for that? The straw that broke the camel's back was using melted down mars bars to ice a birthday cake, not realising that it would be pretty much impossible to slice...well, you live and learn.
              Having traveled solo to Africa, fought off a family of huge spiders that had taken up residence under his bed, eaten pretty much anything that was served up to him and survived, James was quite confident he could manage to live in Aberdeen with the lesser spotted Lewis as his flatmate.
    Anyone who knew James as a child would laugh when I tell them that James has chosen of his own free will to leave us. I remember peeling him off my neck and handing him over to Helen, the playgroup leader, while he howled, feeling like the worst mother in the world. We had many melt down moments over the years and yet as he has got to know himself, his strengths and weaknesses and what he believes in, his confidence has grown, his emotions steadied and now he's ready...
      Aileen was James' nursery teacher and knew very well what James was like. She would tell me that his favourite spot was the reading corner, where he would sit 'reading', often with the book upside down. His way of being in the class but not having to get too up close and personal with the other kids.She encouraged me to put him into Primary one when I had my doubts over how he would get on and well, she was right, look at him now.
      I was at work yesterday morning and the postman came in as usual about 10am, he seemed a bit flustered as he tried to get his scanner to work so I could sign for a recorded delivery letter. Furiously searching through on his phone for the 'how to start your scanner code', he told me that he was having a bad day as he was in a real rush and everything that could go wrong seemed to be doing it that morning. Eventually after resetting the scanner, dropping the scanner, thankfully, it was unharmed, he rushed away to deliver the rest of his round. I smiled, thinking..tight for time? You don't know the half of it son!
       I walked in to the house, after finishing work at 12, to find Robin still in his pyjamas, having been up since 4am (yip!), writing up the services for the day. He had promised to do a memorial service for a family, also in the Springs, that evening, so had his work cut out. I had already got my gear ready, so played my role as Mrs Organised, while Robin was running round like a headless chicken trying to get himself sorted before Jan turned up at 1.20pm, to whisk us away.
             He was searching for a missing quaich, thinking he had maybe left it at last week's wedding in Aberdeen, only for me to tell him that I had been using it to store my buttons in while doing a bit of dress embellishing through the week...I mean, why wouldn't he think of that?
   Quaich found, Robin washed and dressed, we jumped in Jan's taxi and headed for the Springs.
  Roddy, Aileen's younger son, was at the door of the Springs to welcome us and certainly looked very relaxed on what was a beautifully warm and balmy day.
          Robin did a quick introduction and we headed in to have a look about.

The room was set out beautifully for about 100 guests, each chair tied with a ruffled chiffon cover, secured with an ornate pearl brooch. The flower arrangement at the front of the room was a glorious selection of white hydrangeas and pink roses matching the cream lanterns that lined the aisle with flickering candles edged with more pink and cream roses.

               I felt a hand on my shoulder and was glad to see Dawn and her husband Tony come and sit beside me...someone wanted to sit next to me..I was overwhelmed. Dawn worked with Aileen in the same primary class up at Macduff school and they had become firm friends over the years, so when we spotted Aileen coming in, looking really stylish in ash pink, she made a beeline for Dawn to say hello.
    Gordon, Aileen's husband was walking their grandson Finlay around, finally getting him to sleep, hoping he would stay settled for the whole service as Dad was best man and Mum was a bridesmaid. I volunteered my babysitting services if he woke up, not wanting any of the important wedding party to stress about what their wee man was doing and secretly hoping for a bit of baby time!
        Hayley, the piper, played as four of the most adorable little flower girl's came in ahead of the bridesmaids in little matching cream dresses and sandals. They made it down the aisle, then running to their respective Mum's as they knew they'd played their part to perfection.
   Wearing pale pink full length chiffon gowns, the bridesmaids looked a picture, holding bunches of white hydrangeas with pink roses and led the way as Michelle came in on her bother Jason's arm.
     So happy and relaxed, she looked stunning in her white satin strapless dress, ruched the whole way down with a waistband of diamante and glass beading, that matched her sparkling hair band. her veil trailed all the way down to the tip of her train completing the whole look perfectly.
        At this point Finlay had had enough of the pipes and decide to wake up, so I slipped up to whisk him away from Gordon and Aileen, and walked him about in his pram at the back of the room while the ceremony continued. My amazing walking skills obviously worked as he went back to sleep fairly quickly and I got to hear Roddy and Michelle take their vows.
     Robin told us how they had been married before, to each other, almost 20 years ago, when they took the seals from bottle tops and had a wedding ceremony at school. When it came for time to place the rings on each other's fingers he gave them a choice of bottle tops or the rings that Jordan had in his pocket, Michelle chose  the gold ones, but I have a picture of the others for you..
Finally Mr and Mrs McKay walked up the aisle to the pipes and yes, Finlay woke up again! Such a little treasure, he didn't make a sound and I had the pleasure of his company till Dad came and took him away for photos before his Aunt would take him home for tea and bed, leaving Mum and Dad to have a relaxing evening with all their family and friends.

     We had a lovely afternoon enjoying Dawn and Tony's company and getting to meet Michelle's Step-sister Natalie and her fiance Steve, who Robin is marrying next March and I'm invited! There little girl Cara is just 6 months old, so it will be lovely to see how she has changed in the months ahead and I might even get a babysitting slot there too!
   Suddenly I spotted a familiar face and realised it was my postie from earlier in the morning, so that's why he was in such a rush! I asked him how his scanner was and he looked at me with a puzzled expression, obviously not recognising me as I looked so transformed. Then the penny dropped and he smiled.Being father to two of the gorgeous little flower girls meant he had abandoned Mum, in the morning, to getting herself and their tow daughters ready, while he swanned about posting letters, I mean who do you feel sorry for here?? ( Bet I'll get it in the neck next Friday!_
      The table plan was up and we saw that we were at the top table , next to Gordon and Aileen. The tables were named after the ports of call that Roddy and Michelle will be visiting on their honeymoon in November when they go cruising in the Caribbean  with 3 nights in New York at the end.
       We had a proper chance to say congratulations to Roddy and Michelle as we lined up to go in to the function suite for the meal, each getting a lovely glass of prosecco for our toasts.

    The cake was a wonderful two sided affair, white and ruffled on one side , opening up to reveal and fantastic batman cake on the other.
  Mr and Mrs McKay were piped in and Alistair, Michelle's Step-Dad started off the speeches speaking beautifully about how much Michelle means to them and not forgetting to mention Roxy the dog as part of the new McKay family.
     Roddy spoke next thanking all who had helped with their day especially his parents for putting up with him in his younger years, even though Aileen had put him to bed one night, after he had some back home mildly intoxicated, giving him a hot water bottle as any caring Mother would. The next day he woke with burns down his legs and she has never been allowed to forget it.
   Jordan told us of Roddy's Stag do in Banff, where on getting drunk rather quickly ( there's a recurrent theme here eh?) Roddy decided to drop his trousers and undies to his ankles to have a pee, in public, on trying to dress himself again he fell over backwards and was knocked out cold. The evening ended with him in hospital under observation, obviously a story that will live on..
     Gordon has the last speech, making mention of John and Lynne, great family friends who had Roddy at theirs as much as he was at home, often having tea in both homes.
     We had a great meal, enjoying Aileen and Gordon's company and seeing how relaxed all the boys were now the speeches were over. 
     Soon it was time to cut the amazing batman/bridal cake and we headed out to have a seat in the foyer.
   At this point I managed to get a great photo of Michelle's two sisters, Amy and Sarah, looking so pretty in their bridesmaids dresses.
This was the point that Robin was to disappear to do the memorial service in the Moray suite and I was very grateful for Laura, his cousin, who turned up with Skylar and Riley to keep me company. Naomi, her sister, had been around the whole day and I had managed to grab Cooper, just four weeks old, for a turn about the room as Naomi finished her pudding so we could have a bit of bonding time.
   We went through for the dance to see Cover to Cover, a local ban, setting up and watched the kids eyes light up at the sight of a sweetie table and a photo booth, good call Mr and Mrs McKay.
      Grand march time came and Roddy and Michelle led their guests round the floor, though I think Roddy needed a bit of extra guidance from Sarah, who was co-ordinating things as she pointed him in the right direction. 

    Their first dance was' Never gonna be alone' by Nickle back and we stood round watching as the , very happy couple relaxed in to each others arms and enjoyed this special song together,
Almost unforgivable was The band playing 'Brown eyed girl' as their first song, but I didn't take it personally and soon all was forgiven as Robin came back and we were up dancing to 'Mustang Sally' with the dance floor filled.
        After a fantastic day in fantastic company we called JJs and said our farewells , thanking Michelle and Roddy for a wonderful day and being so thoughtful towards us.
    Sometimes the time is just right to take a big step in forward, make a commitment and grasp life with both hands. For James this is the right time and for Roddy and Michelle too. So lovely to be a part of their day and see them making those special promises in front of so many special people.
    Wishing the new Mr and Mrs McKay much love and blessings for the years ahead..remember I've still got the plastic rings in my wedding bag if you ever want a shot. x


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