Saturday, 15 August 2015


 I feel that I can make a confession, now that I've reached my number 29 wedding, hoping it won't put any of you faithful readers off, I failed my English O level twice, only managing to pass on the third attempt, much to my parent's relief, as they thought I was destined to stay at home till I was 30, doing resits!
      I've always been good at reading English, though only the things that interested me and as for speaking it, I think I'm fairly competent, obviously Robin will tell you, far too competent!
     Yes, it was exam result time again a few weeks back and we had been hearing a constant commentary from Jake, who had sat his National 5s before the summer, about what his potential grades would be and how this would effect his choices for the future.
   Despite the amazing amount of new pens, coloured card, and other fantastic pieces of stationary that he got me to buy him, promising that he would make revision cards and the most beautifully designed timetable you have ever clapped eyes on, every time I walked in to his bedroom he seemed to be on the Xbox chatting to his friends and playing whatever his latest game was.
        The day came, reminding me of the same time last year when we were waiting for James' higher results to arrive. I was through in his room, asking if any of his friends had heard anything yet, when Robin came running up the stairs with the phone in his hand telling me that Ellie was on the line and had gone in to labour! So, in the middle of waiting for the post to arrived, I talked Ellie ( who was in Liverpool, in the flat on her own) through her breathing techniques, only putting the phone down when Conor arrived back to fill the birthing pool and the midwife had arrived.
         It was a long day I can tell you. Thankfully our friends Pamela and Robert, Robin's 73rd wedding couple, turned up with their family to distract me from pacing the floor.
       The post came and James ran up stairs to open the huge A4 envelope, eventually coming down to tell us that he had got more than enough to get in to College in Aberdeen to do music, his only disappointment being a fail in Geography, one of his favourite subjects.
       The phone rang about 4pm and it was Ellie to tell us that she had had a fantastic result, giving birth to Rowan in the birthing pool in their living room with no pain control and no complications...phew!
      Jake's results, this year, were a mix of highs and lows, passing all but his maths and giving him a clearer picture of what he wants to do and how he's going to do it. He wants to resit his maths and seems determined to have a different study strategy over the next two years, involving a bit less Xbox time!
        Katrina and David are certainly not going to let any past results hold them back from life. Both having been part of other stories before getting together, we had the pleasure of being invited to witness the beginning of a new story for them both as Mr and Mrs McLaren.
    I had decided to go 'Team Elsa' again having been given a beautiful silver Pashmina and matching brooch from Kahlia and David at their wedding last week. Combined with my necklace from Stuart and Amanda, earlier this year and my own white gold wedding rings, I thought I looked quite stunning!
    As the ceremony didn't start till 3pm I felt I had oodles of time to paint my nails with my frosted silver Barry M polish, even adding a jewel or two and experiment with my hair doing a kind of half up half down-do, using my Amica hair rod that I found in the Cats Protection shop for £1.50 (kerching!).Also filling in the scuffed bits of my teal heels, having suffered abuse on chuckies at a few castle weddings, with a suitably shaded felt tip and some clear nail varnish!
      We were swinging by ( me in the driving seat) for Jason, our groom for next Saturday's wedding, to give him a lift up to Elgin, as David and Katrina had decided that The Mansion House Hotel was the perfect location for tying the knot.
        Gemma, the bride to be is a good friend of Katrina's and as well as her talents as receptionist at The Springs, was doing the bride's makeup, so had headed off earlier that morning.
         We had a lovely chance to get to know Jason a bit better on the journey up hearing all about the wedding preparations and giving me lots of material for my blog! We had even more time to talk  when we reached Elgin as  the traffic was nose to tail and we wondered if we would actually make it on time.
We didn't need to worry, as we pulled up to the hotel everyone was gathered with David, looking extremely relaxed and ready for action.
            After a few hellos we headed inside for a look around.
    The main reception area is a beautiful space with a huge staircase leading up to the upstairs rooms. We had been once before when Robin married Bob and Donna in 2008 ( his 15th wedding)  and I had been given a look at one of the bedrooms by Barbara, the bridesmaid. It was really beautiful, with an antique four poster bed, all the decoration in keeping with the period of the whole hotel.
          The function suite had a beautiful conservatory where the ceremony was being held and I managed to get in and take a few pictures before the guests started to come in.

The chairs had been dressed with purple gauze bows pulled in with a a diamonte bracelet.The matching orchids on the chair sides were a perfect touch.
  The seats started to fill up and I recognised many familiar faces, most of them from Macduff. I started to notice people that I've been acquainted with for many years, yet hadn't connected them to Katrina or David and was pleasantly warmed by the presence of family members from their past stories, who had been given a place in this most special of days, witnessing and being part of their new beginning.
      Two of Katrina's best friends, Bridget and Faye were her bridesmaids and came in wearing delightful full length purple gowns with lace bodices. They encouraged the flower girls and page boys, Katrina's nieces and nephews ahead of them and finally Katrina came in looking so relaxed and happy on her Dad, Graeme's arm with Jake, her son on the other side.
     Her dress was white satin with a sheer chiffon layer over the top. The sleeveless lace bodice carried down to her skirt with a belt of lace and crystal flowers to finish it off. Quite beautiful.
      Surrounded by their closest of family and friends we heard the story of David and Katrina, how on meeting around three years ago after a painful time in both their lives, they found a friendship and love in each other that they didn't think would be possible and so, despite Katrina standing David up for their first date, the relationship has grown leading them to taking their vows and promising their promises with a confidence that was quite clear to all who were there.
      David did promise to put the plates away in the cupboard in the right section, but Katrina struggled to promise that she wouldn't clean at ungodly hours of the night and their opposing football team loyalty would mean they would always agree to disagree..but isn't that what the best relationships are about?
                Schedule signed, the new Mr and Mrs McLaren walked up the aisle followed by their loved ones and we had a quick chance to stand outside before the rain came on proper as it had been the whole morning down in Macduff. 
     Thankfully the hotel has many beautiful rooms and spaces, so photo taking wasn't a problem. Katrina insisted on having getting individual couples photos, so we had great fun posing for our picture down in the conservatory under the careful instruction of Callum the photographer.
   Katrina had been having a bit of back pain so decided to kick off her shoes for a while ( see below) and eventually went for amazing blingy flip flops that were sported by a few of the wedding guests...must get a pair.

We sat with Gemma and Jason in the wonderful lounge area and I enjoyed a cup of tea while we discussed wedding plans, cold remedies and life working at The Banff Springs.
   Meal time came and I caught Robin straightening his tie while looking in the mirrored seating plan that had been made specially for the day, a great idea.
We clapped as Katrina and David came in and cut their cake... 

Graeme spoke first welcoming David in to the family. David, who had told his best men that he wasn't going to write anything down, had decide to make a few notes on the back of his referee cards and spoke very well despite forgetting to say the essential...
"On behalf of my wife and I"
We started to well up as he spoke of how awful the year 2012 had been for him...until he said it was because Rangers had gone in to administration...very funny!
        Greg, one half of the bestmen, got a fair bit of flack for turning up on time as apparently he had major timing issue when it came to the stag do. He started his speech by saying " I am an alcoholic....oh, no wrong group of people!"....
        Ryan, David's eldest son, gave a few short thank yous and Jacob and Mark also stood to say congratulations and welcome Katrina and her son Jake in to their family. Well done boys.
       A surprise speech was by Bridget, not at all expected by Katrina, who spoke beautifully about their non-judgemental relationship that has been solid of years. Laughing crying together and being able to see Katrina blossom for the first time in her life in her relationship with David, who has made her smile from day one.
     We had a lovely meal. The favours being little Yankee candles beautifully wrapped in purple gauze and a miniature of Macallan's 10 year old whiskey, one of Robin's favourites.

I was sitting next to Phyllis, Katrina's Mum, who I've known for years but didn't know she was Katrina's Mum! The food was fantastic and we had a really good laugh speaking to David's Dad, Tom, who bizarrely had been to Groomsport in N.Ireland where my sister, Susan and I would go every year when we were small to spend summer weeks with family friends. Also Greg joined in, telling me of his great friendship with David over the past 20 years and how special he and the boys are in his life.
The first dance was 'The one' by Kordaline and it was obvious to see how happy and content this happy couple were at finding 'The one' that they want to spend the rest of their life with.
      Quattro were the band of choice and as all the evening guests arrived and congratulated David and Katrina it was great to see folks up Quick Stepping and Gay Gordoning even learning a new dance called the Grand Old Duke of York.
    We decided to say our farewells, knowing that we had an early start the next day, so found Katrina and David to say goodbye, knowing that we will see them around Macduff in the days ahead.
   Well, I'm glad that I have had so many second chances in my life, to rethink, reassess and do it even better. Wishing David and Katrina a wonderful life together with their boys and as Mr and Mrs that's what I call a great result!! x


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