Saturday, 1 August 2015


Most people wouldn't like being called crafty but this is a title I am very happy to bear. It's in the genes you know.
       My Mum was always making us clothes as kids and then as I got older it was her I turned to when I wanted a dress for my graduation ball, then my bridesmaid dress for my wedding. She's a very talented lady
      . Though I have inherited some of her craft genes, my sister Susan got more than her fair share and has excelled herself over the years by not only making her own wedding dress, but mine as well. Of course I'm not just talking about sewing here, Susan can apply herself to just about anything, what that girl can't do with a piece of Sugru can be written on the top of a pin head.
   When I came to Macduff I did my own little crafty thing, flying solo, so to speak. I have always been a dab hand with a piece of wundaweb and enjoy a bit of garment adjusting but my real passion is soap making.
       About 13 years ago, when the twins were born, I was starting to feel like my creative side was getting a bit sidelined and hit on the idea of making soap. I love those hand made soaps you get in Lush and the like, but they are so expensive and live so far away, so I bought some cooking thermometers and acquired some coconut oil, essential oils and caustic soda and my soap kitchen was born.
     Now everyone I know, and even a few I don't, get soap for birthdays and Christmases, it's become a sort of tradition.
    As well as bookgroup and singing group I go along to Craft group, This, like the other two, has grown from a few of us getting together with our various projects, to a much larger number of ladies who meet, under the wonderful Jean's gentle direction, every Monday evening in our hall. Sometimes it's hard to hear the knitting needles at all over the noise of the chatter. It's lovely to come and see what everyone is making, they really are a gifted bunch,
    One of these ladies is Donna. Robin did Donna and Myles' wedding back in 2007, his 8th ever, and we've been firm friends since. When Myles had phoned to ask Robin if he could perform the ceremony, Robin asked where they lived, so he could get directions to come and visit. It turned out they lived just a few doors from us, having moved in not long before and we could actually wave to them from our living room window!
       Donna made her own wedding dress and can pretty much apply herself to any craft, though she did admit this week to me that she has been frustrated at not being a natural at spinning wool (something I have been doing for the last 9 years), though I'm pretty sure she will have mastered that before the end of this blog!
        Having a Guilds in pattern making and being such a dab hand at making pretty much anything, she has decided to create her own brand called Onnada and, since last year, has been pretty prolific in making beautiful rag dolls and bespoke items of clothing for that uniquely shaped customer ( now who doesn't fit that bill).

    Someone had kindly donated a huge bag of fabric to our group and like a pack of vultures, we descended, greedily grabbing at the swathes of satin, all Ohhing and Ahhing to our hearts content. After the initial punch up ( just joking, it was all done in an orderly fashion) Donna spotted a huge bolt of black satin with red spots on and asked me if I would like her to tailor make me a Wedding crasher dress. Yes please!
          Within a few weeks, after choosing a pattern that would suit my taste and figure, I was having my first fitting, being carefully pinned in to make sure that the dress would only fit a 'Lynda' shaped lady. A few days later Donna called to say it was finished and did I want to come round for a final try on.
    Well, it fitted like a glove, beautifully lined in red and even her own little branded label.
Those of you who have read the zip splitting escapade blogs ( No 9 and No 11!) will know how nervous I can be about wearing a zipped dress, always fearing that an extra twist of my torso might be a stretch too far for a fitting garment. As a special gift to me, Donna had done the back fastening of the dress in tiny little red flower buttons,each with their own individual elasticated hoops, for easy removal at the end of a long day. I was hugely touched.
     I couldn't wait to wear it, so was really pleased that we have so many weddings in August to show it off , being able to glide about feeling like a princess. I must say, how you feel in a dress really reflects how people see you. If you don't feel comfortable, you don't look comfortable and this was a dream to slip on, fitting in every glorious curve of my figure.

Yesterday was Rachel and Ray's big day and having known both families for quite a while, we were looking forward to seeing everyone and doing some uber-socialising.
      We were one step ahead of everyone else as we had already been to Haddo house earlier in the year and were familiar with the set up. A bus had been laid on, so we drove up to Macduff primary to leave our car and travel with the other guests.
       When we got there it was ominously devoid of fascinators and kilts and we began to wonder if we had got the time or place right. Thankfully just at that minute, Ray's Auntie, Vivien drove up and jumped out of her car, saying that she and her sister Sylvia were going to follow the bus as they had no idea where to go and was that our plan too? We decided to act as Satnavs and hopped in the back of her car, leaving the bus to it's own devices and headed off, arriving way before any of the other guests due to our excellent team work.
We had been at Haddo a few months before for Matt and Gilly's wedding, noticing on the drive down many signs warning about our speed and the number of red squirrels that had been killed since October 2013. I was dreading seeing the number had increased as we approached the house. Much to our relief, it remained at sixteen, the signs seem to be doing their job!
The staff welcomed us at the door handing out heel protectors to anyone who needed and we made use of the lift which took us up to the first floor where the ceremony was being held.
    Eventually the bus arrived, with most of the guests. We heard afterwards that the driver had taken a wrong turn while being followed by a few guests in cars, so they were a bit later than expected.Thank goodness we had gone with Vivien.
            The library started to fill up  as Ray and his groomsmen took to the front and everyone took in the beautiful setting. We were serenaded by their friend Jamie who played guitar and sang beautifully.
Finally the room was full with heaps of familiar faces and we waited as the piper played and the bridesmaids came through the grand library doors. They were wearing slightly different shades of full length Grecian style, silk jersey dresses wrapped and twisted at the neck and back and finished with a pearl brooch at the waist. Rachel came in as Jamie played The Calling's'wherever you will go', looking a picture on her Dad, Stevie's arm. 
         Her dress was white and strapless, the lace bodice delicately sewn with tiny pearls and beading. It flared out in a fish tail style to swathes of ruffled tulle. In her hair was a silver hairpiece that tied in with diamonte and pearls around her waistband.
           We all listened as Robin told us the story of Ray and Rachel. Having spotted her as early as primary school, Ray was very pleased to find Rachel in his registration class at Academy. Despite a few false starts, they eventually got together properly at an under eighteen's disco where the question  of who asked who out is yet to be answered.
     The vows were spoken, the schedule signed and soon the new Mr and Mrs Skinner walked down to aisle as we all applauded.We followed them outside and had a group photo beside the main steps of the house and took in the beautiful gardens all around. It must be a full time job keeping everything looking so amazing!
Shloer or Cava and canapes were on offer inside and we caught up with Gemma and Neil, Robin's 13th wedding couple in 2008. Since that day they have not only had one child, Emily, but a second, Annie, just a week before!
   I love a good birthing story, but that took some beating. Gemma's waters had broken at three o'clock in the morning and they had been told to wait till nine to head up the the hospital on Elgin, about 50 minutes away. Well Annie didn't want to wait that long and an hour later Gemma was getting contractions and they decided to head off. As they got into the car,they started coming hard and fast and Gemma thought she might have to give birth by the side of the road with only Neil to act as midwife. Thankfully due to quiet roads and Neil's careful driving, they arrived in Elgin just before Annie made her appearance weighing in at just under nine pounds!
         We cadged a lift back to the Springs with Vivien and Sylvia, being welcomed by Jillian at the door. Apparently there had been an almighty downpour while we were away but we had missed it completely at Haddo.
       Photos of Rachel and Ray had been put on display from their nine years together and placed on a table in the foyer for us all to have a look at.
It was time for the line up so we had a chance to see Rachel's dress up close and have a congratulatory kiss from them both.

          The tables had been named after beers ( Ray's choice!) and we were at the Becks with lots of the Shearer family. 
The table centres were beautiful vintage coloured flowers to match the bridesmaids, in authentic looking garden jugs and we were sitting right next to the beautiful cake which Rachel's Aunt had made. What a work of art.
The Happy couple were piped in and we sat to enjoy the speeches.
   Stevie was up first and was overcome with emotion as he spoke of Rachel and his love for her, finding it impossible to read a small poem about giving her away. Sheila, Rachel's Mum, took over and read it beautifully, not a dry eye in the house. He produced ' Dudley', Rachel's first love, a stuffed and yet threadbare, kilted duck, saying that he didn't think Ray should feel too threatened any more. Though there had been a time where Dudley went everywhere with Rachel.
     They has once gone on a caravan holiday in Perth and Dudley had got left behind. Rachel's Granda, Bob, was driving his lorry down that way and had to pop into the caravan park to collect Dudley, much to his embarrassment. The days before he could deliver Dudley back were a nightmare for the family as Rachel never stopped pining for her little duck. Here they are, reunited!

   Ray spoke from his heart, perfect, then Gavin his best man  and finally Ray's Dad, Callum said a few words about how proud he was of them both and how Rachel has been part of their family for so long now, he felt he didn't need to welcome her in today.
       We had a lovely meal of pea and ham soup followed by risotto and creme brulee and then watched as the cake was cut.
Scott Cassie has to be my favourite videographer. Very unintrusive with perfect ninja qualities that mean you often don't know he's there filming away. We had a chance to have a quick chat and he told me that his wife was expecting their second baby that weekend and he was too scared to look at his phone in case she had gone into hospital. He had a second in command all lined up for birthing duties in his absence, but you could tell he would rather be there himself (maybe filming the whole thing??). I told him not to speak to Gemma and Neil as their story might not be the one he was wanting to hear!
   We enjoyed a cup of tea and waited out in the foyer as the room was turned around, watching as the evening guests came in.
     The band, Superhouse, had come up from Edinburgh and were fantastic. Ray and Rachel decided to forgo the Grand march and go straight to their first dance...and I've forgotten what it was though I got a great photo and remember thinking the words were just perfect....answers on my Facebook please!
  We stayed a while longer, enjoying the company and strutting our stuff to the band.
      Scott told me that he had checked his phone and all was well with baby number two, still firmly in Mum's tum. Looking forward to seeing him at the next wedding and hearing how it all went. 
   Ray and Rachel were dancing when we left, so we interrupted to say our goodbyes and to thank them for letting us be part of their day.
       Wishing them much love and blessing for the years ahead as Mr and Mrs Skinner. Hopefully Dudley will get pride of place in their home, now he has been washed and lived another day, to have his story told and be a continual reminder of their day and what unconditional love is really about. x


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