Sunday, 23 August 2015


This is Jason...your groom for today's blog. I have Gemma, the bride's express permission to share these photos with you and having met Jason last week while we drove up to Elgin, I feel that he would be perfectly happy to let you all see his Stag party pics. I also know that the first picture that I post on a blog is always the picture that comes up on the post in Facebook,....oh, it's the small things in life.....
      We've had our own Jason living with us over the summer holidays...
It all started with a knock at the door quite late on the first Sunday night after the school's broke up and Jake answered it. He popped his head into the living room and asked if Jason could stay the night. I wasn't too surprised as I knew from Jake that things hadn't been good in Jason's world and knowing that he had been put out of his house a few times in the past year, had said if he ever needed a place to go , he could come to us.
      The next day we found out that he was genuinely homeless and so Jason became part of the Wiseman family until a suitable home could be found. Having just turned sixteen there was no real support on offer for him other than a bed at the Waterfront (!) and if he could manage to fill in the 70 page document (yes you read right!) at the Job centre, he would be entitled to £56 a week to pay for his food, bills etc. 
   Thankfully James had just left on his travels to Ghana and we were able to offer up his bed  and a place for Jason to get his head straight, while he was dealing with taking this massive step in his life.     
       With the help of Wendy and Craig, who work between the school and the Community centre in Banff, a huge amount of form filling in took place. Meetings with housing officers, learning how to access the food bank (If he ever needed it), setting up a bank account and after a lot of insisting, finding out that he was entitled to an extra £30 a week through the government's EMA scheme, despite being told by lots of people beforehand that he wouldn't be, meant that he finally started to feel more confident and that he could contemplate this living on his own thing.
      I texted James to tell him that we had let out his bedroom in his absence and was relieved when his reply was to say that it was fine, as long as Jason didn't mind a spooning partner once James came back, on the colder nights! Obviously that was enough to freak Jason out and when James finally came back, he moved down to the living room to sleep on the sofa bed.
       From day one, he barely spoke, other than to say 'Thank you'. Then gradually he changed, we could hear James' guitar being played up in his room ( and boy, can he play!), he started to come down and sit with us as we watched TV, even though he came down when we all went to bed to watch catch up episodes of Eastenders ( well, we can't all be perfect!). He started to go out for walks, that turned in to epic treks ( I think that was just to get away from us!) and I smiled when I found him laughing a joking a long with the rest of the kids in a way that brother or sisters do.
        The thing that shocked him most of all was how everyone wanted to help.
   He was given an iphone by our friend Andy, when he heard that Jason had left home without any electronic devices at all. A friend in America is sending him over a laptop. He has been offered furniture should he need it, TVs, bedding towels, clothes galore, school books and even a Saturday job in the chemist where he did his work experience.
   On Monday morning Jason got the call. He came through to the kitchen as I was emptying the dishwasher and told me he had been offered a flat in Banff. He needed to accept or reject immediately, so I asked if he was ready and he said yes...... Within one hour Wendy had collected him and his stuff and he was away. 
     Phoebe and I popped over to see the new pad and gave it our seal of approval, thinking how funny it was that Jason's stay was from the first weekend of the holidays till the very last day...perfectly timed.
      Now he is happy and settled. He is still part of our family, whether he likes it or not, coming for tea every Wednesday and knowing that he can come for Sunday lunch at Grandma's whenever he likes or call if there is anything he needs.
     We have been changed by having Jason in our lives just as he has, by turning up at our door that Sunday night and we wouldn't change a thing.
      I had been looking forward to yesterday's wedding having gotten to know Gemma and Jason over the past wee while. They both work at the Springs, Gemma on reception and Jason as a chef in the kitchens.
     It's a real testament to the owners and staff that after viewing many venues, Jason and Gemma decided the best place for their big day was the place they work,The Banff Springs Hotel!
       I had been up writing Michelle and Roddy's blog, yesterday morning but had already decided what dress I was wearing, as my friend, Lillian, had given me a look at her wardrobe and allowed me to borrow one of her outfits. Phoebe kindly did the photo shoot so here's the final masterpiece...
It was looking like a perfect day, I had already managed to get two loads of washing out on the line and back in again it was so warm.
      John from JJ's turned up in perfect time as Robin had booked him from the night before, so off we headed, leaving the kids with a pizza each and a packet of icecreams with orders to walk and feed the dog.
         Guests were out in front of the hotel as we arrived, enjoying the sunshine and we noted one of the waiters who had transformed into a piper for the day, standing on the steps waiting to play...this was going to be a real Springs family affair.
         Jillian was waiting for us at reception and told me of her morning that started really early. Her son, Leo was six that day and had woken early, too excited to sleep. On seeing that he had an electric scooter as his present from Mum and Dad he insisted on trying it out and they ended up down at the Banff Links at 8am, watching him try it out!
        The function suite looked fantastic, all the chairs had black seat covers on with cream gauze bows, fastened with pearl and diamante brooches. The flowers at the front were in silver vases with white chrysanthemums, hydrangeas and pink roses, beautifully set with frosty greenery and weeping willow.
     Cream lanterns with candles were placed on either side of the cream carpet that ran up the aisle, ready to be lit just before everyone came in. Thankfully Jillian was doing that job, though I did offer after my excellent candle lighting skills from last week.

I had just sat down at the back when the new Mr and Mrs McLaren, David and Katrina from last Friday's wedding ( no.29), came and sat beside me with their friend Mandy. Two weddings in a row with people wanting to sit beside me, I was starting to feel quite loved. They both looked as though married life was treating them well 8 days in, despite David having acquired a cold sore from kissing too many guests, the week before! Here's me and Mrs McLaren...
The music started, an acoustic version of A Thousand Years and in came Sarah, the first bridesmaid dressed in full length black silk jersey, jewel encrusted on one shoulder. She held the little flower girl's hand as she scattered pink rose petals along the carpet on their way down the aisle.
     The three other bridesmaids followed suite and finally Gemma came in holding her Uncle Ron's arm. It really brought a tear to my eye, she looked so beautiful.
          Her cream silk tafetta gown had a delicate lace bodice, that fell from her shoulders, embroidered with tiny glass beading and pearls, fastened at the back of her neck with tiny silk covered buttons. The silk twisted around as it carried down to the floor, pinned up at the side with matching lace and continuing down to the train. Her hairband was silver with little diamonte flowers, setting off her romantically styled hair perfectly.
 At the beginning of the ceremony, Jason lit some candles, in memory of loved ones that were no longer with them, a huge part of most people's thoughs and especially for Jason and Gemma who had a table laid out later in the day with photos of those who remained close in their hearts, who would have loved to witness this special day.
       We heard how they had met while working at the Springs and how friendship had blossomed in to love fairly quickly, Jason proposing to Gemma not long after they moved in together. 
    Now, a few years on, they were standing in this familiar spot ready to say their vows and confirm that love in front of those that meant most to them in their lives.
      Gemma had chosen 'From this moment' by Shania Twain to sign their schedule too and had been taken back last week, as at Katrina and David's wedding, they had chosen the same song. She had texted her the next day to ask if it was ok to use the same music and of course Katrina was delighted. So delighted in fact that the tears started to flow. Thankfully I was armed with hankies  and was able to save her make up, David took one as well but just because he was 'sweating'...hmm, likely story!!
           The new Mr and Mrs Barclay led their guests out  and we enjoyed our afternoon while they went off to have their photos taken at the Boyndie centre just along the road. It has the most beautiful gardens and walks and I'm looking forward to seeing the photos.
     John Milne was taking the video for the day and has a natty little video drone that he uses, I caught him when he came back from Boyndie, giving it a whirl and took a few pictures..

It was probably taking pictures of me at the time! John had already put a clip of Gemma getting ready that morning up on Facebook, he's a speedy worker that man.
       The bride and groom came back in style in a vintage car, driven by the hotel owner Kenny and despite the fact that there had been a bit of light rain, all the photos had gone well and we managed to get a few more before going in to enjoy our meal.

And here's the lovely Sarah, showing off her 'I'm definitely not working today' look as one of the luscious looking bridesmaids.

 We gave Jason and Gemma a huge hug each, as they welcomed their guests and congratulated them before heading to our table with a glass of prosecco.

     Gemma's Uncle Ron welcomed Jason in to 'The mad house' and said how proud they all were of Gemma and all she had achieved.
    Jason was up next, having been primed by David, who had forgotten last week to say the essential 'On behalf of my wife and I' and was never going to live it down, to definitely get that in first. Well it came out as, 'On behalf of myself and my bride...'.
    He got back on script after his wonderful start and said the most beautiful thanks to Gemma's Mum,Liz, who he said had been her rock and to his own parents for all they had done to love and support them.
    Iain, Jason's best man spoke of their friendship from primary school and how despite Jason's poor choice of football team, they had remained the best of friends. He brought out a Celtic scarf for Jason to wear to his next match that was quickly removed and given to the 'other' Jason, his groomsman.
    At this point I recognised the 'other' Jason as being Michelle's brother from the day before and I had called him Jordan in my blog...a quick edit and and apology to anyone who picked that up, but I did ask Robin if both Roddy and Michelle's brother's were called Jordan and he nodded!!
    He told us of Jason's proposal, that was meant to happen on a romantic holiday to Teneriffe, but Jason bottled it and instead waited till they got home, leaving a note with 'Marry me' and the ring on the kitchen table for Gemma to find. Iain produced a 'redesigned' note for us all to see and here are our loving couple showing it off...

      Speeches past, everyone could relax and enjoy their meal and we did , enjoying great company with Jason's Grandparents and their families.

The cake was a work of art and it seemed a shame to cut into it, but soon Mr and Mrs Barclay did the essential and we all rushed up for a prime picture.
   Jason's dad, Brian, said a few words of thanks, especially to all the staff at the Springs who had made the day so special.
      We sat outside as it was a pleasant evening, heading inside to grab a table when the room had been turned around. We spotted loads of familiar faces who had been in uniform not long before, transformed into wedding guests, obviously looking forward to the evening ahead.
   The band, Traffic, were setting up and soon Jason and Gemma were leading the way for their Grand March.
I took a quick pic and then discovered that my wonderful dress has pockets...yes, I could slip my phone in one and run in to join the dance! 
     We pulled back into a circle to watch Mr and Mrs B dance to 'All of me' by John Legend and soon we all took to the floor to join them.
We decided as a start to Robin's new keep fit campaign that apparently starts from now as he couldn't get his waistcoat on without breathing in, that we would have a bit of a dance off. So after a good few boogies we realised that it was almost 10pm and John would be coming to pick us up at any moment.
     We caught up with Jason and Gemma to say good bye and wish them a wonderful time on honeymoon, knowing we'll see them when they get back...well, Gemma anyway, behind the desk, back in her old role, with a new name tag!!  
      Well, our Jason has found a new home and is excited with this new phase in his life, knowing that he has the love and support that he needs to move on in life.
      For the new Mr and Mrs Jason Barclay the same is true. Wishing them so much love and blessings for this new time in their lives, so wonderful to have been a small part of such a big step. Much love x






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