Sunday, 2 August 2015


Those of you who read my blog regularly will know how I enjoy the challenge of a Friday wedding, when I am working in the morning and only have an hour to spare before finishing and heading off to that days adventure. I pride myself in being organised and maybe even enjoy the adrenaline rush that goes with the whole experience.
     Well, obviously not enough. As any adrenaline junkie knows, the next challenge is always just over the horizon.
        It started with a simple coffee in 'The Seafront,'a wonderful new cafe that has just opened in Macduff, with the most helpful staff and delicious 'fancy pieces' ( a nice cake or tray bake!).
        My friend,Christine and I had been for a walk with Cyrus ( The Wiseman dog) and decided to pop in for a much earned  refreshment, after expending so much energy. The conversation got round to swimming,one of our mutual loves and Christine told me that she had been to a new Aquarobics class called 'Tabaqua' on a Saturday morning up at the pool.
             I had missed this when looking at the summer timetable, so wanted to hear more. She told me it was like an intensive aquarobics for only the brave and fearless amongst us and I could feel my brain start to work overtime, wondering if I could make the class before a Saturday wedding.
            I phoned up when I got home and booked myself in for Saturday's session, knowing that as the class was from 10.00-10.30am, I would have a reasonable amount of time to get home, showered and dressed before heading off to Mark and Michelle's wedding ( blog no 23) at 12.45pm, surely that would be fine.
        Well, it all went really well. I arrived at the pool early to do some lengths, after a visit to Tesco for the usual suspects and at 10am our instructor, Molly appeared, in lycra, to guide us through our paces.
    It was the best fun ever, turning twisting, sprinting and star jumping, things I hate doing on land, but in water, all your wobbly bits are buoyed up and though you can feel them move, they are supported magically and let you get on with having a blast.  I think I smiled the whole way through and though I was a tad achy the next day, the lack of landing up in a sweaty heap in the floor, won me over big time, so it's my new favourite thing.
    Zoe and Stuart had settled on Fyvie castle as their ceremony venue yesterday and as things started at 1pm, we knew that we would need to be leaving Macduff at 12pm at the very latest. This chopped in to my window of time even more dangerously than the previous week  but I smiled inwardly and thought, "Bring it on!"
          I made it in to the shower by 10.30, after an even more strenuous workout by Lori, in fact, I'm surprised there was any water left in the pool after all the splashing that we did! I was home by 11am and had my 'Tabaqua dress' ready to rumble, another perfect E-bay purchase, during the week. Quite the little mermaid!
Robin shouted up the stairs to see if I was ready and I slipped out of my Teal heels and in to my driving trainers, grabbed my wedding bag and ran out to the car. 
     Five minutes later we were driving back to the house as I had forgotten to bring the shoes! Robin runs in and gets them and off we head. 
     We arrived at Fyvie and the sun was shining, a glorious day. We cruised up the avenue and watched the ducks in the lake and stopped as geese ran over the path in front of us......what no 'Please kill your speed and not a goose' signs??
     I decided to walk up the pathway to Fyvie Castle in my trainers as past experience has shown me that the chuckies are a friend to no woman in heels. As we strolled up Stuart greeted us and told us that there had been a panic as Robin had ticked on his reply card that he and I would be taking the bus. When we didn't turn up, Stuart was very worried and texted Robin to see if everything was ok. When they arrived at Fyvie and Robin still wasn't there, panic started to kick in and Celine, who works there, called our house to be told that we had indeed left for a wedding, so they could only hope it was the right one!
         The reason we didn't take the bus was that Robin had been asked to officiate at another couple's ( Maria and Steve) wedding that afternoon. They had booked and planned their wedding, with a registrar to officiate, but realised that there was a legal problem ( divorce stuff). At this point they decided to go ahead with everything, but as a handfasting instead, something the registrar couldn't who you gonna call???....Ghost Busters...No, Robin , of course. He was to nip in to Turriff on our way home from Fyvie, perform the blessing and then head on back to Banff to join Stuart and Zoe for the rest of their day. Of course, he forgot to tell Stuart that we no longer needed our place on the bus and saved him some stress on this..the most important day of his life!!
        Lorna and Richard were at the door as we went to go in to the castle and she noticed straight away that the heels I was carrying were definitely not the latest fashion accessory and that wearing trainers was the only smart move for us ladies who like to wedding on chuckies. Lorna is one of the reasons that I started my blog, she is a wedding wonder and can spot a designer make from a mile off in fact she and her husband Richard made Zoe and Stuart's to follow.
        I bounced up the spiral stone stair castle of the castle with ease, much to the amusement of the staff and finally swapped my footwear when we got to the drawing room where the ceremony was to take place. Last week's harpist was there, apologising for her abrupt departure the week before and there beside her was our own dear Leanne Smith, from Macduff, who's singing career I have followed for a few years now. She is a beautiful singer and guitarist who writes and sings her own music and even used Ellie  and Conor in one of her music videos, when Rowan was just a bump.
      I had a look out the window, as the guests made there way in to the room and spotted some stone beavers, holding there's something you don't see very day. For all the times I have been at Fyvie castle I had never spotted this unique feature..
I digress...Soon, Stuart came in with his groomsmen and  went down to the front to wait for his bride, while the harpist, who was actually a pianist today, played.
           He didn't have to wait long, only five minutes late, Zoe came in, accompanied by the piper and preceeded by her beautiful bridesmaids in full length cerise pink chiffon.


Kenny, her Dad, held her arm and you could see how happy Zoe was, she just glowed. 
   Her dress had a simple strap made of tiny chiffon flowers, delicately embroidered with beading and silver pearls. It attached to her ruched chiffon dress at the front and at the back where a continuous line of covered buttons created a line right to the tip of her train. Her veil sparkled as she walked, matching her sliver hairband. A truly beautiful bride, in every way.
     As she met Stuart at the front the sun shone through the stained glass windows creating a beautiful setting for things to begin.
       Candles were lit in memory of loved ones and to symbolise  the joining of their lives. Robin spoke of how they had met while teenagers, working in Richard's restaurant, Milos in Macduff, Zoe scrubbing pans and Stuart as apprentice chef. Now she is a social worker and Stuart works off shore, how times have changed, but that was part of their story and made them what they are today.
                  We listened to Leanne singing as the schedule was signed and then sang 'O Flower of Scotland', not with the vigour of football/rugby fans, much to the chagrin of  one of the guests in front of me, and soon the new Mr and Mrs Donald walked down the aisle.

Much to everyone's delight there was not only a glass of prosecco to be had while we enjoyed the continued sunshine outside, but Portsoy Ice cream had set up a stand and we were all encouraged to partake of the sweet delights.
         We had to dash as the handfasting party awaited their main player, so I did a shoe swap and headed for the car pausing only to wave to the geese on my way out.
       Parking was at a premium in Turriff, so I dropped Robin at the door and sat in the car hoping to get a quick phone call with James,who had just arrived in London that morning having done 48 hours of travelling from the North of Ghana. I caught him at London Victoria and we had a brief chat as his battery was going flat.
        Reassured that he was well, I sat waiting for 'Wonder celebrant' to return and could actually see the handfasting taking place in their front garden, from my parking spot in the Old Folks home car park.
       After half an hour the rain started and Robin jumped in to the car as a bouncy castle was being inflated at speed in Maria and Steve's garden..."drive drive"..I expected him to shout.
       The rain really started then and I hoped for Maria and Steve's sake that they had an extra large roll of Plenty to hand. 
       We parked and ran through the rain to the entrance of the Springs, to be welcomed by many familiar, yet amused faces as I turned up, not only in trainers but also my big green cardigan that follows me everywhere. 
 We sat with Lorna and Richard , who had beaten the bus in a wedding stealth move, as I ordered a pot of tea while changing my shoes, yet again and hoping that no-one would steal my favourite cardigan if I left it on the coat rack ( or throw it out thinking it spoiled the fantastic look fo the Springs reception area).
     The bus folks missed the rain completely and soon the foyer was full of facinators and fashionable folks. Lorna adeptly guessing that Jan, Zoe's mum, was wearing an Ian Stuart ( I'm learning, always learning) and as usual she was spot on.
     The lineup began and we had a chance to see Mr and Mrs Donald Junior in action for the first time. They really are a well matched couple, just looking as though they were meant to be together.
                  All the tables were named after Disney Characters and we were pride of place at the top table named' Mickey'. Donald and Minnie sat as our counterparts at the other end looking very pleased with themselves.

I had a chance to get a close look at the wonderful cake that Richard and Lorna had made..simply stunning, what a huge amount of work....all those tiny hand made pearls!
   Kenny, Zoe's Dad, stood to give his speech, all going very well, though he swore later that he missed out a couple of paragraphs. Stuart spoke really well and his brother Paul, one of his two best men, gave a great speech telling us of the painful years of brotherhood that included one incident where Stuart decided to shave Paul's legs, in the bath, with their Mum's razor. The blood bath (literally) that ensued, with screams that could be heard half way down the street, will not be forgotten in a hurry and make for a very unique best man's speech!
                 Our meal was served with the usual efficiency of Jillian's team and we enjoyed the vegetarian option again, though the garlic levels of the mushroom penne pasta might have created some socialising problems later in the evening.It was delicious.
          Kenny told us of the first time that Robin was to visit Zoe and Stuart. He and Jan knew that Robin was coming at 7pm and when they arrived noted his car wasn't there, so assumed he hadn't arrived yet. He decided to pretend to be Robin and rang the doorbell. When Zoe came to the door, Kenny shouted out "Dearly beloved", only to see Zoe's face freeze in horror as she pointed to the open living room door, where Robin was sitting having a cup of tea with Stuart, having walked up to the house as I was using the car! Robin had been totally oblivious to the whole thing, though was left wondering why Zoe's Mum and dad had to ring the doorbell to get in.

The favors were little pins for the family's preferred charities, the NSPCC and the Estera foundation, supporting pregnancy crisis work in Romania. Stuart's sister Shannon has been going out to Romania since she was twelve years old to work with the charity and did a sky dive for her eighteenth to raise money for them and plans to do a wing walk with her Mum, Helen, next year for her twenty first...awesome ladies!
           Euan, the other best man, read the cards out and there was a particularly delightful one from Stuart's cousin's little girls Ellie and Abbie, who had drawn the most gorgeous picture of Stuart and Zoe in their wedding gear. I particularly liked the image on the next page of Stuart in his pink dress as that is what Ellie was told by someone he might be wearing!

On the subject of fabulous wedding images. Stuart's Aunt, Heather had done a fantastic tapestry of them both and had it framed as a gift. Stuart felt that 'Cross stitch Stuart' bore a striking resemblance to Andy Murray...what do you think?
We waited outside in the foyer as 'The limit' set up to play and the staff did their magic, catching up with Stuart and Anne, Robin's 38th wedding couple and fellow postie for years.
I dragged Sarah, one of Zoe's bridesmaids, over to meet Robin, with her fiance Steven, as they hadn't met him yet, despite booking him for their wedding next year. I don't know if they have been put off now that they've seen him 'live'.
Sarah's Mum, Gail and I work together and she and her husband , Tony, were invited to the evening, so we sat together with Sarah and Steven as we watched the Grand March begin and then Mr andMrs Donald do their first dance to Ed Sheeran's 'Thinking Out Loud'.

   Well, I needed to be up early to go and collect my eldest son from Aberdeen bus station in the morning, so we went to find Zoe and Stuart, who were doing the rounds and chatting to all their guests. They said farewell with the same warmth that they welcomed us and we wished them well for their honeymoon in Mexico and for all the wonderful years ahead.
            All in all my busy day went really well but I know that it went better than that for Mr and Mrs Donald... showered with love, awash with joy....swimmingly in fact! 





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